(23) (22)

(23) "Alternative cosmologies". Int. Conf. "Physics and Reality", Helsinki (Finland), June 5th, 2024

(22) "The Twilight of the Scientific Age". Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy, House of Science and Letters, Helsinki (Finland), June 3rd, 2024

(21) (20) (19)

(21) "Tests of the Expansion of the Universe 2021-2023". LPPFusion Inc., EE.UU./US [virtual], November 3rd, 2023

(20) Curso/course; "Fundamental ideas in Cosmology". Purple Mountain Observatory, Nanjing (China), July 17-19th, 2023

(19) "Fundamental ideas in Cosmology. Scientific, philosophical and sociological critical perspectives". School of Astronomy and Space Science, Univ. Nanjing (China), March 14th, 2023

(18) (17) (16)

(18) "Problems of the Standard Model in Cosmology". Society of Scientific Exploration, EE.UU./US [virtual], October 22nd, 2022

(17) "Presentation of the book: Fundamental ideas in Cosmology. Scientific, philosophical and sociological critical perspectives". IAC talks, Tenerife (Spain) September 13th, 2022

(16) "Fundamental ideas in Cosmology. Scientific, philosophical and sociological critical perspectives". IoP Science, Bristol (Reino Unido/UK), June 18th, 2022

(15) (14) (13)

(15) "¿Se expande el Universo?". Amigos del IAC, Tenerife (Spain) [virtual], October 28th, 2021

(14) "El ocaso de la era científica". Conversatorio de Filosofía, Escuela de Psicología y Filosofía, Universidad de Tarapacá (Chile) [virtual], January 14th, 2021

(13) "Two disputes on Galactic bulge/bar morphology". IAC talks, Tenerife (Spain), November 29th, 2019

(12) (11) (10)

(12) "Kinematics and Dynamics of the Galactic Disc". Galactic Astronomy Symp., Istanbul Univ. (Turkey), September 12th, 2019

(11) "Feminismo en la ciencia". Facultad de Filosofía, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain), May 22nd, 2019

(10) "Problems with the dark matter and dark energy hypotheses, and alternative ideas". IAC talks, Tenerife (Spain), October 25th, 2018

(9) (8) (7)

(9) Entrevista/Interview: "ADN Galego" (min. 50:15), Televisión de Galicia (Spain), July 10th, 2017

(8) "Voluntad. La fuerza heroica que arrastra la vida". Real Soc. Económica de Amigos del País, La Laguna (Tenerife, Spain), February 22nd, 2016

(7) "Tests for the expansion of the Universe". IAC talks, Tenerife (Spain), June 30th, 2015

(6) (5) (4)

(6) "Non-evolution of black hole mass/luminosity ratio, superluminal motions and other pending problems in QSOs". IAC talks, Tenerife (Spain), March 11th, 2014

(5) "The Twilight of the Scientific Age". Universal Publishers & BrownWalker Press (Florida, EE.UU./US), April 25th, 2013

(4) "Open questions and non-standard models". IAC talks, Tenerife (Spain), July 21st, 2011

(3) (2) (1)

(3) Entrevista/interview; "Del Mito a la Razón" (documental/documentary, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2011)

(2) "Ethics in science: on fiascos that are unconscious lapses, and fiascos which are conscious cheating". IAC talks, Tenerife (Spain), December 15th, 2009

(1) Entrevista/interview; "Universe. The Cosmology Quest" (documental/documentary, Floating World Films, EE.UU./US, 2004), Episode 1