- Fields of research. Research in both theoretical and observational astrophysics:
Cosmology and large-scale structure of the Universe.

Book about cosmology from a sceptical point of view, compiling scientific, philosophical and sociological arguments [158]. Review on the caveats and open questions in the standard cosmology[44,100,129,170]; book review on a text about this topic[101]. Review on tests on the expansion of the Universe[114], review on problems of dark matter and dark energy hypotheses [135], review on alternative cosmological models [161].

Cosmological tests, comparing observations at different redshifts with predictions of different cosmological models, either with expansion or static: measurement of the angular size variation in galaxies[86]; measurement of the ratio between angular sizes and sizes along the line of sight (Alcock-Paczynski test)[106,123,162]; use of Hubble diagram of QSOs using a nonlinear relation between the ultraviolet and X-ray luminosities[120]; Hubble diagram in supernovae[163]. Relationship in spiral galaxies of size, internal attenuation and dust emission and possible uses as cosmological test [155].

Study on the historical evolution of measurements of two cosmological parameters: the Hubble constant [148,165,172] and amplitude of mass fluctuations [148], showing that the recent "Hubble tension" is most likely due to an underestimation of error bar, as it was in the past.

Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) anisotropies: Galactic contamination[18,52,68], Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect in the interaction with cluster of galaxies[128], analysis on the origin of the peaks in the power spectrum for any cosmology[103,104], lack of large-angle correlations in the fluctuations that argues against the basic inflationary paradigm, and perhaps even suggests non-inflationary alternatives for the origin and growth of perturbations in the early Universe[130,156].

Large-scale structure of the Universe, distribution of galaxies: application of statistical mechanics[1,12]; analytical calculation of the evolution of these structures in the non-linear regime[23,32]; statistical analysis of data[7,8,45,73,80]; measurement of the correlation between CMBR anisotropies and galaxy counts[85], something that should be detected if dark energy existed, with the result of an absence of such a correlation, against the claims of some cosmologists. Dust content of galaxy clusters[111,124].

Estimation of the ages of galaxies at high redshift, to constrain the possible scenarios of formation of extremely red and massive elliptical galaxies observed at redshifts between 0.8 and 3.8 [83,95,127], and showing that using "cosmic chronometers" is not a good method [127,133] for age evolution analysis.

Exploration of the variation of the fine structure constant along cosmological timescale[87,92,118], with the result of a compatibility with a constant value.

Anomalous redshifts in apparently linked systems of galaxies/QSOs with different redshifts [34,35,46,48,53,54,58,71,81]: some old anomalies are still present, but the data do not allow to conclude the existence of non-cosmological redshifts. Press release with the highlights of the workshop about alternative mechanisms to produce redshifts which was held in Clonakilty-Cork, Ireland in May 15-18, 2006 [57]. Theoretical scenarios and tests of massive photons [152,171].


Review on problems in our understanding of QSOs[89].

Non-evolution of the dependence of black hole masses on bolometric luminosities for QSOs[97].

Analysis of the observed distribution of jets with superluminal motions, to conclude that the kinetic power of each quasar should be much higher than previously estimated, on the order of the bolometric luminosity[99].

Observation of optical counterparts of ULX (Ultraluminous X-ray Sources) near some galaxies, to conclude that many (most) of them are background QSOs[47,50,54,56,66,79].

Milky Way structure.

Development of some tools of analysis: calculation of correlations functions in the distribution of stars to derive information about the position of the clusters[11,17]; analytical solution for the correction of star counts subject to confusion in overcrowded fields [9,11]; the inversion of the stellar statistics equation applied to the Galactic Bulge[11,13,15,22,29,51,74]; the use of Red clump giant stars as tracers of Galactic structure[38,82].

Observational works dedicated to the morphological study of the components of the Galaxy: the bulge[11,13,15,20,22,25,26,27,28,29,51,61,63,65,74,76,77,122,125,139,160], the "long bar"[2,4,5,6,11,14,16,19,20,24,28,31,59,61,63,64,65,74,77,91,93,102,105]; the disc[20,27,38,39,49,60,69,72,75,109,115,131,146,147,159], spiral arms[126], stellar halo[72,173]; the extinction by dust[43]. There is a distinction of the bar and the bulge as different structures, possibly with different angles, something which was also observed in other galaxies[112]. Remarkably is the refutation [122,125,139,160] of an X-shaped bulge claimed by other authors.

Against other hypotheses which aimed to discover a new satellite dwarf galaxy to explain the excess of stars in the region of Canis Major, arguments were given [55,67] to think that there is not such a galaxy but it is a projection effect of the warp+flare in the external disc of the Milky Way. Moreover, the Monoceros ring, which was assumed to be a stream associated to the remnants of this dwarf galaxy in the interaction with the Milky Way, does also appear instead to be part of our Galaxy, being its excess star counts due to the flare of the thick disc [90,98,109].

Galactic kinematics and dynamics.

Invited review on dynamics and kinematics of the Milky Way disc [151]. Kinematics and dynamics in the Milky Way: From the proper and radial heliocentric motions of stars in the outer disc, its rotation speed is obtained [107,134,136,140,142,149,150,166], the motions perpendicular to the plane [113,116,134,136,140,142,143,144,147,166,167] and Galactocentric radial motions [121,134,136,137,140,142,143,144,166]. Also, analysis of radial motion in other galaxies[138]. A case against the discovery of the precession of the Galactic warp [154].

Rotation curves: theoretical research on the relationship between disc density and velocities [145]. Fit of Milky Way rotation curve with models of dark matter or modified gravity (MOND) [149,169]. Exact Semianalytical Calculation of Rotation Curves with Bekenstein-Milgrom Nonrelativistic MOND [153]. Solution of an old problem: virial theorem in clusters of galaxies with MOND [164,168].

Research about the hypothesis of an extragalactic origin of the High Velocity Clouds, as part of the intergalactic medium in the Local Group[21,42] and with large ratio of dark matter. Development of a new hypothesis that explains the generation of warps in spiral galaxies due to the accretion of intergalactic flows directly onto the disc [33,42,70]. Analysis of the correlations between intrinsic parameters and warp characteristics of spiral warped galaxies [36,42], concluding that very massive hypothetical dark matter haloes have nothing to do with the formation of warps; in agreement with the hypothesis. Also, a catalog of optical warps[41] shows that most of the spiral galaxies are warped while no lenticular galaxy is warped. This is again in agreement with my the hypothesis because lenticular galaxies have no gas and the accretion onto the disc can only be produced if there is gas in the disc. The flaring of the disc as a function of the galactocentric angle is another fact which is in agreement with the hypothesis [70,78].

Study of the effect of the bar of spiral galaxies to increase the accretion of intergalactic matter into the haloes [62]. Dynamical study of two isolated bars with allowed geometric deformation described as modified Jacobi ellipsoids [110]: the bars repel to each other and the exchange of angular momentum will cause them to modify its geometry by enlarging its long axis. Analysis of the correlation between the number of tidal dwarf satellite galaxies and the size of the bulge [119]: it was found out in a level of 5-sigma, which points out that the formation of bulges has to do with the interaction among galaxies, as predicted in models of modified gravity. Criticism on the discovery of a galaxy without dark matter [132].

Other researches. Observation of optical counterparts of Gamma Ray Bursts[37,40]. Search of stars that were in old surveys and are not observed at present[141]. Participation in the near infrared photometric survey VISTA [84,88,94,96,108], and the optical photometric and spectroscopic survey SDSS-III [117,157].

- Scientific publications:
[173] López-Corredoira M., Tang X.-C., Tian H., Wang H.-F., Carraro G., Liu C., 2024, ''Stellar halo density with LAMOST K and M giants'', A&A, 684, A135 .
[172] Wang B., López-Corredoira M., Wei J.-J., 2024, ''The Hubble tension survey: A statistical analysis of the 2012-2022 measurements'', MNRAS, 527, 7692 .
[171] Wang B., Wei J.-J.., Wu X.-F., López-Corredoira M., 2023, ''Revisiting constraints on the photon rest mass with cosmological fast radio bursts'', J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 9, 25 .
[170] López-Corredoira M., 2023, ''History and Problems of the Standard Model in Cosmology'', EdgeScience, 53, 6 .
[169] Sylos Labini F., Chrobáková Z., Capuzzo-Dolcetta R., López-Corredoira M., 2023, ''Mass Models of the Milky Way and Estimation of Its Mass from the Gaia DR3 Data Set'', ApJ, 942, 12 .
[168] López-Corredoira M., 2023, ''Galaxy clusters: no problem for MOND at all'', Blog ''The Dark Matter Crisis'', nr. 82 .
[167] Li X., Wang H.-F., Luo Y.-P., López-Corredoira M., Ting Y.-S., Chrobáková Z., 2023, ''Evidence for Population-dependent Vertical Motions and the Long-lived Nonsteady Lopsided Milky Way Warp'', ApJ, 943, 88 .
[166] Wang H.-F., Chrobáková Z., Lóper-Corredoira M., Sylos Labini F., 2023, ''Mapping the Milky Way Disk with Gaia DR3: 3D Extended Kinematic Maps and Rotation Curve to 30 kpc'', ApJ, 942, 12 .
[165] López-Corredoira M., 2022, ''Hubble tensions: a historical statistical analysis'', MNRAS, 517, 5805 .
[164] López-Corredoira M., Betancort-Rijo J. E., Scarpa R., Chrobáková Z., 2022, ''Virial theorem in clusters of galaxies with MOND'', MNRAS, 517, 5734 .
[163] López-Corredoira M., Calvo-Torel, J.-I., 2022, ''Fitting of supernovae without dark energy'', Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 31, id. 2250104 .
[162] Melia F., López-Corredoira M., 2022, ''Model selection using baryon acoustic oscillations in the final SDSS-IV release'', Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 31, id. 2250065 .
[161] López-Corredoira M., Marmet, L., 2022, ''Alternative ideas in cosmology'', Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 31, id. 2230014 .
[160] Chrobáková Z., López-Corredoira M., Garzón F., 2022, ''Analysing the structure of the bulge with Mira variables'', A&A, 666, L13 .
[159] Chrobáková Z., Nagy R., López-Corredoira M., 2022, ''Warp and flare of the Galactic disc revealed with supergiants by Gaia EDR3'', A&A, 664, A58 . Corrigendum: A&A, 671, C6 (2023)
[158] López-Corredoira M., 2022, Fundamental Ideas in Cosmology. Scientific, philosophical and sociological critical perspectives , IoP Publishing, Bristol.
[157] Rockosi, C. M., Lee, Y. S., Morrison, H. L., et al. (including M. López-Corredoira), 2022, ''SEGUE-2: Old Milky Way Stars Near and Far '', ApJS, 259, 60 .
[156] Sanchis-Lozano, M. A., Melia, F., López-Corredoira M., Sanchis-Gual, N., 2022, ''Missing large-angle correlations versus even-odd point-parity imbalance in the cosmic microwave background'', A&A, 660, A121 .
[155] López-Corredoira M., Gutiérrez, C. M., 2021, ''Relation of internal attenuation, dust emission, and the size of spiral galaxies. Calibration at low-z and how to use it as a cosmological test at high-z'', A&A, 652, A83 .
[154] Chrobáková Z., López-Corredoira M., 2021, ''A Case against a Significant Detection of Precession in the Galactic Warp'', ApJ, 912, 130 .
[153] López-Corredoira M., Betancort-Rijo, J. E., 2021, ''Exact Semianalytical Calculation of Rotation Curves with Bekenstein-Milgrom Nonrelativistic MOND'', ApJ, 909, 137 .
[152] Spallicci, A. D. A. M., Helayel-Neto, J. A., López-Corredoira, M., Capozziello, S., 2021, "Cosmology and the massive photon frequency shift in the Standard-Model Extension", Eur. J. Phys. C, 81, 4 .
[151] López-Corredoira M., 2021, "Kinematics and Dynamics of the Galactic Disc", Galactic Astronomy Workshop Proceedings Book, Ak. S., Bilir S., Eds., Istambul Univ. Press, Istambul, p. 23 .
[150] Wang H.-F., Huang Y., Zhang H.-W., et al. (including M. López-Corredoira), 2020, ''Diagonal Ridge Pattern of Different Age Populations Found in Gaia-DR2 with LAMOST Main-sequence Turnoff and OB-type Stars'', ApJ, 902, 70 .
[149] Chrobáková Z., López-Corredoira M., Sylos Labini F., Wang, H.-F., Nagy, R., 2020, ''Gaia-DR2 extended kinematical maps. III. Rotation curves analysis, dark matter, and MOND tests'', A&A, 642, A95 .
[148] Faerber T., López-Corredoira M., 2020, ''A Chi-Squared Analysis of the Measurements of Two Cosmological Parameters over Time'', Universe, 6, 114 .
[147] Wang H. -F., López-Corredoira M., Huang Y., et al., 2020, ''Mapping the Galactic Disk with the LAMOST and Gaia Red Clump Sample. VI. Evidence for the Long-lived Nonsteady Warp of Nongravitational Scenarios'', ApJ, 897, 119 .
[146] Chrobáková Z., Nagy R., López-Corredoira M., 2020, ''Structure of the outer Galactic disc with Gaia DR2'', A&A, 637, A96 .
[145] Fernández-Torija Daza G., López-Corredoira M., 2020, "Relationship between rotation curves and matter distribution in spiral galaxy discs", arXiv.org:2003.04951 (Master thesis, Univ. La Laguna, 2016).
[144] López-Corredoira M., Garzón F., Wang H.-F., Sylos Labini F., Nagy R., Chrobáková Z., Chang J., Villarroel B., 2020, "Gaia-DR2 extended kinematical maps. II. Dynamics in the Galactic disk explaining radial and vertical velocities", A&A, 634, A66 .
[143] Wang H.-F., López-Corredoira M., Huang Y., et al., 2020, "Mapping the Galactic disc with the LAMOST and Gaia red clump sample: II. 3D asymmetrical kinematics of mono-age populations in the disc between 6-14 kpc", MNRAS, 491, 2104 .
[142] Wang H.-F., López-Corredoira M., Carlin J. L., Deng L., 2020, ''3D asymmetrical kinematics of mono-age populations from LAMOST and Gaia common red clump stars'', Galactic Dynamics in the Era of Large Surveys (IAU Symp. 353), p. 19 .
[141] Villarroel B., Soodla J.; Comerón, S., et al. (incluye M. López-Corredoira), 2020, "The Vanishing and Appearing Sources during a Century of Observations Project. I. USNO Objects Missing in Modern Sky Surveys and Follow-up Observations of a Missing Star", AJ, 159, id. 8 .
[140] Wang H.-F., Carlin J. L., Huang Y., et al. (including M. López-Corredoira), 2019, ''Mapping the Galactic Disk with the LAMOST and Gaia Red Clump Sample. III. A New Velocity Substructure and Time Stamps of the Galactic Disk Asymmetry in the Disk between 12 and 15 kpc'', ApJ , 885, 135 .
[139] López-Corredoira M., Lee Y.-W., Garzón F., Lim D., 2019, ''Distribution of red clump stars does not support the X-shaped Galactic bulge'', A&A, 627, A3 .
[138] Sylos Labini F., Benhaiem D., Comerón S., López-Corredoira M., 2019, ''Non-axisymmetric models of galaxy velocity maps'', A&A, 622, A58 .
[137] López-Corredoira M., Sylos Labini F., Kalberla P. M. W., Allende Prieto C., 2019, ''Radial Velocities in the Outermost Disk toward the Anticenter'', AJ, 157, 26 .
[136] López-Corredoira M., Sylos Labini F., 2019, ''Gaia-DR2 extended kinematical maps. I. Method and application'', A&A, 621, A48 .
[135] López-Corredoira M., 2018, ''Problems with the dark matter and dark energy hypotheses, and alternative ideas'', Cosmology on Small Scales 2018. Dark Matter Problem and Selected Controversies in Cosmology, M. Krizek, Y. V. Dumin, Eds., Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, p. 14 . Republished at: 2019, The Multi-Messenger Astronomy: Gamma-Ray Bursts, Search for Electromagnetic Counterparts to Neutrino Events and Gravitational Waves, SNEG, Pyatigorsk (Russia), p. 126.
[134] Wang H., López-Corredoira M., Carlin J. L., Deng L., 2018, ''3D Asymmetrical motions of the Galactic outer disc with LAMOST K giant stars'', MNRAS, 477, 2858 .
[133] López-Corredoira M., Vazdekis A., 2018, ''Impact of young stellar components on quiescent galaxies: deconstructing cosmic chronometers'', A&A, 614, A127 .
[132] Scarpa R., Hernández X., Adan Cortes R., Falomo R., López-Corredoira M., 2018, ``Reply to the claim by van Dokkum et al. for a galaxy not containing dark matter'', arXiv.org:1805.04817 .
[131] López-Corredoira M., Allende Prieto C., Garzón F., Wang H., Liu C., Deng L., 2018, ''Disk stars in the Milky Way detected beyond 25 kpc from its center'', A&A, 612, L8 .
[130] Melia, F., López-Corredoira M., 2018, ''Evidence of a truncated spectrum in the angular correlation function of the cosmic microwave background'', A&A, 610, A87 .
[129] López-Corredoira M., 2017, ''Tests and Problems of the Standard Model in Cosmology'', Foundations of Physics, 47, 711 .
[128] López-Corredoira M., Gutiérrez C. M., Génova-Santos R. T., 2017, ''Analysis of the Amplitude of the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect out to Redshift z = 0.8'', ApJ, 840, 62 .
[127] López-Corredoira M., Vazdekis A., Gutiérrez C. M., Castro-Rodríguez N., 2017, ''Stellar content of extremely red quiescent galaxies at z>2'', A&A, 600, A91 . Corrigendum: A&A, 603, C3
[126] Monguió M., Negueruela I., Marco A., et al. (including M. López-Corredoira), 2017, ''The young open cluster NGC 7067 using Stroemgren photometry'', MNRAS, 452, 4153 .
[125] López-Corredoira M., 2017, ''Absence of an X-shaped Structure in the Milky Way Bulge Using Mira Variable Stars'', ApJ, 836, 218 .
[124] Gutiérrez C. M., López-Corredoira M., 2017, ''Dust in Clusters: Separating the Contribution of Galaxies and Intracluster Media'', ApJ, 835, 111 .
[123] Melia, F., López-Corredoira M., 2017, ''Alcock-Paczynski test with model-independent BAO data'', Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 26, 1750055 .
[122] López-Corredoira M., 2016, ''A case against an X-shaped structure in the Milky Way young bulge'', A&A, 593, A66 .
[121] López-Corredoira M., González-Fernández C., 2016, ''Radial Motions in Disk Stars: Ellipticity or Secular Flows?'', AJ, 151, 165 .
[120] López-Corredoira M., Melia F., Lusso E., Risaliti G., 2016, ''Cosmological test with the QSO Hubble diagram'', Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 25, 1650060 .
[119] López-Corredoira M., Kroupa P., 2016, ''The Number of Tidal Dwarf Satellite Galaxies in Dependence of Bulge Index'', ApJ, 817, 75 .
[118] Albareti F. D., Comparat J., Gutiérrez C. M., et al. (including M. López-Corredoira), 2015, "Constraint on the time variation of the fine-structure constant with the SDSS-III/BOSS DR12 quasar sample", MNRAS, 452, 4153 .
[117] Alam S., Albareti F. D., Allende Prieto C., et al. (including M. López-Corredoira), 2015, "The Eleventh and Twelfth Data Releases of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Final Data from SDSS-III", ApJS, 219, 12 .
[116] Abedi H., Figueras F., Aguilar L., Mateu C., Romero-Gómez M., López-Corredoira M., Garzón F., 2015, "Galactic warp kinematics: model vs. observations", Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VIII, A. J. Cenarro, F. Figueras, C. Hernández-Monteagudo, J. Trujillo Bueno, L. Valdivielso (eds.), pp. 423-428 .
[115] Yaz Goekce E., Karaali S., Duran S., et al. (including M. López-Corredoira), 2015, "Solar Space Density of the Red Clump Stars and the Scale-Length of the Thin Disc", PASA, 32, 12 .
[114] López-Corredoira M., 2014, "Tests for the expansion of the Universe", Proceedings of Science (SISSA), FFP14, 85 .
[113] López-Corredoira M., Abedi, H., Garzón F., Figueras F., 2014, ''Vertical velocities from proper motions of red clump giants'', A&A, 572, A101 .
[112] Compere P., López-Corredoira M., Garzón F., 2014, ''Three-dimensional decomposition of galaxies with bulge and long bar'', A&A, 571, A98 .
[111] Gutiérrez C. M., López-Corredoira M., 2014, ''On the dust content of galaxy clusters'', A&A, 571, A66 .
[110] Garzón F., López-Corredoira M., 2014, ''Dynamical evolution of two associated galactic bars'', AN, 335, 865 .
[109] López-Corredoira M., Molgó J., 2014, ''Flare in the Galactic stellar outer disc detected in SDSS-SEGUE data'', A&A, 567, A106 .
[108] Hempel M., Minniti D., Dékány I., et al. (including M. López-Corredoira), 2014, ``VISTA Variables in the V&iacite;a Láctea (VVV): Halfway Status and Results'', The Messenger, 155, 29.
[107] López-Corredoira M., 2014, ''Milky Way rotation curve from proper motions of red clump giants'', A&A, 563, A128 .
[106] López-Corredoira M., 2014, ''Alcock-Paczynski Cosmological Test'', ApJ, 781, 96 .
[105] Amores E. B., López-Corredoira M., González-Fernández C., Moitinho A., Minniti D., Gurovich S., 2013, ''The long bar as seen by the VVV Survey. II. Star counts'', A&A, 559, A11 .
[104] López-Corredoira M., 2013, ''Peaks in the CMBR power spectrum. II. Physical Interpretation for any Cosmological Scenario'', Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 22, 1350032 .
[103] López-Corredoira M., Gabrielli A., 2013, ''Peaks in the CMBR power spectrum. I. Mathematical analysis of the associated real space features'', Physica A, 392, 474 .
[102] González-Fernández C., López-Corredoira M., Amores E. B., Minniti D., Lucas P., Toledo I., 2012, ''The long bar as seen by the VVV survey: I. Colour-magnitude diagrams'', A&A, 546, A107 .
[101] López-Corredoira M., 2012 ''Book review: "Fundamental Questions of Practical Cosmology", by Baryshev and Teerikorpi'', Journal of Cosmology, 18, VI .
[100] Arana J., Trujillo I., Soler F., López-Corredoira M., Sanroma M. 2012, La cosmología en el siglo XXI: entre la física y la filosofía (in Spanish), Arola Editors, Tarragona (Spain). Translated into Catalan in: 2012, La cosmologia en el segle XXI: entre la física i la filosofia , Arola Editors, Tarragona (Spain).
[99] López-Corredoira M., Perucho M., 2012, ''Kinetic power of quasars and statistical excess of MOJAVE superluminal motions'', A&A, 544, A56 .
[98] López-Corredoira M., Moitinho A., Zaggia S., Momany Y., Carraro G., Hammersley P. L., Cabrera-Lavers A., Vázquez R. A, 2012, ``Comments on the `Monoceros' affair'', arXiv.org:1207.2749 .
[97] López-Corredoira M., Gutiérrez C. M., 2012, ''On the non-evolution of the dependence of black hole masses on bolometric luminosities for QSOs'', RAA, 12, 249 .
[96] Saito R. K., Hempel M., Minniti D., et al. (including M. López-Corredoira), 2012, ''VVV DR1: The first data release of the Milky Way bulge and southern plane from the near-infrared ESO public survey VISTA variables in the Vía Láctea'', A&A, 537, A107 .
[95] Castro-Rodríguez N., López-Corredoira M., 2012, ''The age of extremely red and massive galaxies at very high redshift'', A&A, 537, A31 .
[94] Minniti D., Clariá J. J., Saito R. K., et al. (including M. López-Corredoira), 2011, ``The VVV Survey of the Milky Way: first year results'', Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía, 54, p. 265 .
[93] Garzón F., Cabrera-Lavers A., López-Corredoira M., González-Fernández C., 2011, ``Stories about the bar in the Milky Way'', Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VI, M. R. Zapatero Osorio, J. Gorgas, J. Maíz Apellániz, J. R. Pardo, A. Gil de Paz, Eds., SEA, p. 413 .
[92] Gutiérrez C. M., López-Corredoira M., 2011, ``The Value of the Fine Structure Constant Over Cosmological Times'', From Varying Couplings to Fundamental Physics, C. Martins, P. Molaro, Eds., Springer, Berlin, p. 69 .
[91] López-Corredoira M., Cabrera-Lavers A., González-Fernández C., Garzón F., Mahoney T. J., Beckman J. E., 2011, ``Comments on the paper `Unifying Boxy Bulge and Planar Long Bar in the Milky Way' by Martinez-Valpuesta & Gerhard [arXiv:1105.0928]'', arXiv.org:1106.0260 .
[90] Hammersley P. L., López-Corredoira M., 2011, ''Modeling Star Counts in the Monoceros Stream and the Galactic anti-centre'', A&A, 527, A6 .
[89] López-Corredoira M., 2011, ``Pending Problems in QSOs'', Int. J. Astron. Astrophys., 1, 73 .
[88] Saito R., Hempel M., Alonso-García J., et al. (including M. López-Corredoira), 2010, ``VISTA Variables in the Vía Láctea (VVV): Current Status and First Results'', The Messenger, 141, 24.
[87] Gutiérrez C. M., López-Corredoira M., 2010, ``The Value of Fine Structure Constant over Cosmological Times'', ApJ, 713, 46.
[86] López-Corredoira M., 2010, ``Angular size test on the expansion of the Universe'', Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 19, 245 .
[85] López-Corredoira M., Sylos Labini F., Betancort-Rijo J., 2010, ``Absence of significant cross-correlation between WMAP and SDSS'', A&A, 513, A3 .
[84] Minniti D., Lucas P. W., Emerson J. P., et al. (including M. López-Corredoira), 2010, ``VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV): The public ESO near-IR variability survey of the Milky Way'', New Astron., 15, 433 .
[83] López-Corredoira M., 2010, ``Intrinsic colors and ages of extremely red elliptical galaxies at high redshift'', AJ, 139, 540 .
[82] López-Corredoira M., Cabrera-Lavers A., Hammersley P. L., Garzón F., Mahoney T. J., González-Fernández C., 2010, ``Red clump giant stars as tracers of Galactic structure'', Highlights of Astronomy, 15, 811 .
[81] López-Corredoira M., 2010, ``Apparent discordant redshift QSO-galaxy associations'', Evolution of Cosmic Objects through their Physical Activity (V. Ambartsumian 100th anniversary), H. A. Harutyunian, A. M. Mickaelian, H. Y. Terzian, Eds., Gitutyun Publishing House of NAS, Yerevan, p. 196 .
[80] Sylos Labini F., Vasilyev N. L., Baryshev Yu. V., López-Corredoira M., 2009, ``Absence of anti-correlations and of baryon acoustic oscillations in the galaxy correlation function from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR7'', A&A, 505, 981 .
[79] Ghosh K. K., Saripalli L., Gandhi P., Foellmi C., Gutiérrez C. M., López-Corredoira M., 2009, ``Multiwavelength study of the bright X-ray source population in the interacting galaxies NGC5774/NGC5775'', AJ, 137, 3263 .
[78] López-Corredoira M., Betancort-Rijo J., 2009, ``Azimuthal dependence of the density distribution in outer galactic discs accreting intergalactic flows'', A&A, 493, L9 .
[77] Cabrera-Lavers A., González-Fernández C., Garzón F., Hammersley P. L., López-Corredoira M., 2008, ``The long Galactic bar as seen by UKIDSS Galactic Plane Survey'', A&A, 491, 781 .
[76] Mahoney T. J., González Fernández C., Cabrera Lavers A., Garzón F., Hammersley P. L., López-Corredoira M., 2008, ``Mapping the Inner Boxy Bulge of the Milky Way'', Mapping the Galaxy and Nearby Galaxies, K. Wada, F. Combes, Eds., Springer, New York p. 348 .
[75] González Fernández C., Cabrera Lavers A., Garzón F., Hammersley P. L., López-Corredoira M., Vicente B., 2008, ``TCS-CAIN: NIR Survey of the Galactic Plane'', Mapping the Galaxy and Nearby Galaxies, K. Wada, F. Combes, Eds., Springer, New York, p. 325 .
[74] Mahoney T. J., López-Corredoira M., Cabrera Lavers A., Hammersley P. L., González Fernández C., Garzón F., 2008, ``The boxy bulge and stellar bar of the Milky Way'', Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Bulges (IAU Symp. 245), M. Bureau, E. Athanassoula, B. Babuy, Eds., Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, p. 343 .
[73] López-Corredoira M., Florido E., Betancort-Rijo J., Trujillo I., Carretero C., Guijarro A., Battaner E., Patiri S., 2008, ``Probing IGM large-scale flows: warps in galaxies at shells of voids'', A&A, 488, 511 .
[72] Bilir S., Cabrera-Lavers A., Karaali S., Ak S., Yaz E., López-Corredoira M., 2008, ``Estimation of galactic model parameters in high latitudes with SDSS'', Publ. Astr. Soc. Australia, 25, 69 .
[71] López-Corredoira M., Gutiérrez C. M., Mohan V., Gunthardt G. I., Alonso M. S., 2008, ``Analysis of possible anomalies in the QSO distribution of the Flesch & Hardcastle catalogue'', A&A, 480, 61 .
[70] López-Corredoira M., Betancort-Rijo J., Beckman J. E., 2008, ``Galactic disc warps due to intergalactic accretion flows onto the disc'', Pathways through an Eclectic Universe (ASP Conf. Ser. 390), J. H. Knappen, T. J. Mahoney, A. Vazdekis (Eds.), ASP, S. Francisco, p. 359 .
[69] Cabrera Lavers A., López-Corredoira M., Garzón F., Hammersley P. L., , González Fernández C., Vicente B., 2007, ``The Disc and Plane of the Milky Way in the Near Infrared'', Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics IV (SEA, 7th conf.), Eds. F. Figueras, J. M. Girart, M. Hernanz, C. Jordi, Springer, Dordrecht, p. 231 .
[68] López-Corredoira M., 2007, ``Some doubts on the validity of the foreground Galactic contribution subtraction from microwave anisotropies'', J. Astrophys. Astron., 28, 101 .
[67] López-Corredoira M., Momany Y., Zaggia S., Cabrera-Lavers A., 2007, ``Re-affirming the connection between the Galactic stellar warp and the Canis Major over-density'', A&A, 472, L47 .
[66] Gutiérrez C. M., López-Corredoira M., 2007, ``Eight more ultra luminous X-ray candidates unmasked'', A&A, 472, 87 .
[65] González Fernández C., Cabrera Lavers A., Garzón F., Hammersley P. L., López-Corredoira M., Vicente B., 2007, ``TCS-CAIN: NIR survey of the Galactic plane'', Stellar Populations as Building Blocks of Galaxies (IAU Symp. 241), Eds. A. Vazdekis, R. F. Peletier, p. 248 .
[64] Hammersley P., Garzón F., Cabrera-Lavers A., Mahoney T., González C., López-Corredoira M., 2007, ``The EMIR survey of the Galactic Plane'', First Ligth Science with the GTC (Rev. Mex. Astron. Astrophys., Conf. Ser., vol. 29), Eds. R. Guzmán, C. Packham, J. M. Rodríguez-Espinosa, S. Torres-Peimbert, p. 63 .
[63] González Fernández C., Cabrera Lavers A., Garzón F., Hammersley P. L., López-Corredoira M., Vicente B., 2007, ``TCS-CAIN: NIR survey of the Galactic plane'', Astrophysical Masers and their Environments (IAU Symp. 242), Eds. J. M. Chapman, W. A. Baan, p. 376 .
[62] López-Corredoira M., 2007, ``Bar-driven injection of intergalactic matter into galactic halos'', A&A, 469, 471 .
[61] Cabrera-Lavers A., Hammersley P. L., González-Fernández C., López-Corredoira M., Garzón F., Mahoney T. J., 2007, ``Tracing the long bar with red-clump giants'', A&A, 465, 825 .
[60] Cabrera-Lavers A., Bilir A. S., Ak S., Yaz E., López-Corredoira M., 2007, ``Estimation of Galactic model parameters in high latitudes with 2MASS'', A&A, 464, 565 .
[59] López-Corredoira M., Cabrera-Lavers A., Mahoney T. J., Hammersley P. L., Garzón F., González-Fernández C., 2007, ``The Long Bar in the Milky Way. Corroboration of an old hypothesis'', AJ, 133, 154 .
[58] López-Corredoira M., Gutiérrez C. M., 2007, ``First tentative detection of anisotropy in the QSO distribution around nearby edge-on spiral galaxies'', A&A, 461, 59 .
[57] López-Corredoira M., 2006, ``International Workshop on Redshift Mechanisms in Astrophysics and Cosmology'', Apeiron, NewsWire/2006 .
[56] Gutiérrez C. M., López-Corredoira M., 2006, ``Identification of Optical Counterparts of ULX sources'', Populations of High Energy Sources in Galaxies Proceedings (IAU Symp. 230), Eds. E. J. A. Meurs, G. Fabbiano. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p.310 .
[55] López-Corredoira M., 2006, ``Galactic Warp in the overdensity of the Canis Major Region'', MNRAS, 369, 1911 .
[54] López-Corredoira M., Gutiérrez C. M., 2006, ``Toward a Clean Sample of Ultra-Luminous X-ray Sources'', A&A, 454, 77 .
[53] López-Corredoira M., Gutiérrez C. M., 2006, ``Research on candidates for non-cosmological redshifts'', 1st Crisis In Cosmology Conference, CCC-1 [AIP Conf. Proc., 822(1)], J. B. Almeida, E. J. Lerner, eds., pp. 75-92 .
[52] López-Corredoira M., 2005, ``Wrinkles in the Galaxy'', New Cosmological Data and the Values of the Fundamental Parameters [IAU Symp. 201], A. Lasenby, A. Wilkinson, eds., p. 482.
[51] López-Corredoira M., Cabrera-Lavers A., Gerhard O. E., 2005, ``A boxy bulge in the Milky Way. Inversion of the stellar statistics equation with 2MASS data'', A&A, 439, 107 .
[50] Gutiérrez C. M., López-Corredoira M., 2005, ``The Nature of Ultra Luminous X-ray Sources'', ApJ, 622, L89 .
[49] López-Corredoira M., Cabrera-Lavers A., Gerhard O. E., Garzón F., 2004, ``Evidence for a deficit of yound and old stars in Milky Way inner in-plane disc'', A&A, 421, 953 .
[48] López-Corredoira M., Gutiérrez C. M., 2004, ``The field around NGC 7603: cosmological or non-cosmological redshifts?'', A&A, 421, 407 .
[47] Arp H., Gutiérrez C. M., López-Corredoira M., 2004, ``New spectra and general discussion on the nature of ULXs'', A&A, 418, 877 .
[46] Gutiérrez C. M., López-Corredoira M., 2004, ``QSO+Galaxy association and discrepant redshifts in NEQ3'', ApJ, 605, L5 .
[45] López-Corredoira M., Betancort-Rijo J., 2004, ``Fluctuations of K-band galaxy counts'', A&A, 416, 1 .
[44] López-Corredoira M., 2003, ``Observational Cosmology: caveats and open questions in the standard model'', Recent Research Developments in Astronomy and Astrophysics I, ed. S. G. Pandalai, Research Signpost, Kerala, p. 561 .
[43] Drimmel R., Cabrera-Lavers A., López-Corredoira M., 2003, ``A three-dimensional Galactic extinction model'', A&A, 409, 205 .
[42] Beckman J. E., López-Corredoira M., Betancort-Rijo J., Castro-Rodríguez N., Cardwell A., 2003, ``Generation of warps by accretion flows'', Ap&SS, 284, 747 .
[41] Sánchez-Saavedra M. L., Battaner E., Guijarro A., López-Corredoira M., Castro-Rodríguez N., 2003, ``A catalog of warps in spiral and lenticular galaxies in the Southern hemisphere'', A&A, 399, 457 .
[40] Castro Cerón, J. M., Gorosabel J., Castro-Tirado A. J., Gutiérrez C. M., López-Corredoira M., 2002, ``GRB 021201 (short/hard), NOT observations'', GRB Circular Network, 1743, 1 .
[39] Cabrera-Lavers A., López-Corredoira M., Garzón F., Hammersley P. L., 2002, ``Old stellar Galactic disc in near-plane regions according to 2MASS: scales, cut-off, flare and warp'', Disks of Galaxies: Kinematics, Dynamics and Perturbations, ASP Conf. Ser. 275, E. Athanassoula, A. Bosma, R. Mujica, eds. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco, p. 127 .
[38] López-Corredoira M., Cabrera-Lavers A., Garzón F., Hammersley P. L., 2002, ``Old stellar Galactic disc in near-plane regions according to 2MASS: scales, cut-off, flare and warp'', A&A, 394, 883 .
[37] Castro Cerón J. M., Castro-Tirado A. J., Gorosabel J., , et al. (including M. López-Corredoira), 2002, ``The bright optical afterglow of the long GRB 001007'', A&A, 393, 445 .
[36] Castro-Rodríguez N., López-Corredoira M., Sánchez-Saavedra M. L., Battaner E., 2002, ``Warps and correlations with intrinsic parameters of galaxies in the visible and radio'', A&A, 391, 519 .
[35] López-Corredoira M., Gutiérrez C. M., 2002, ``Two emission line objects with z>0.2 in the optical filament apparently connecting the Seyfert galaxy NGC 7603 to its companion'', A&A, 390, L15 .
[34] Gutiérrez C. M., López-Corredoira M., Prada F., Eliche M. C., 2002, ``New light and shadows on Stephan's Quintet'', ApJ, 579, 592 .
[33] López-Corredoira M., Betancort-Rijo J., Beckman J. E., 2002, ``Generation of galactic disc warps due to intergalactic accretion flows onto the disc'', A&A, 386, 169 .
[32] Betancort-Rijo J., López-Corredoira M., 2002, ``Probability distribution of density fluctuations in the non-linear regime'', ApJ, 566, 623 .
[31] López-Corredoira M., Hammersley P. L., Garzón F., Cabrera-Lavers A., Castro-Rodríguez N., Schultheis M., Mahoney T. J., 2001, ``Searching for the in-plane Galactic bar and ring in DENIS'', A&A, 373, 139 .
[30] Hammersley P. L., Mahoney T. J., López-Corredoira M., Garzón F., 2001, ``A Near-Infrared Sampling Survey of the Galactic Plane'', The New Era of Wide Field Astronomy (ASP Conference Series, Vol. 232), R. Clowes, A. Adamson, G. Bromage, eds., Astronomical Society of the Pacific, S. Francisco, p. 241
[29] López-Corredoira M., Garzón F., Hammersley P. L., 2001, ``Succesful Inversion of the Stellar Statistics Equation Applied to the Galactic Bulge'', Tetons 4: Galactic Structure, Stars and the Interstellar Medium, ASP Conf. Ser. 231, C. E. Woodward, M. D. Bicay, J. M. Shull, eds., ASP, S. Francisco, p. 86 .
[28] Hammersley P. L., López-Corredoira M., Garzón F., 2001, ``Is the Milky Way a Double-Barred Galaxy?'', Tetons 4: Galactic Structure, Stars and the Interstellar Medium, ASP Conf. Ser. 231, C. E. Woodward, M. D. Bicay, J. M. Shull, eds., ASP, S. Francisco, p. 81.
[27] Garzón F., Hammersley P. L., López-Corredoira M., 2001, ``Distribution of Stellar Populations at Selected Areas on the Galactic Plane'', Tetons 4: Galactic Structure, Stars and the Interstellar Medium, ASP Conf. Ser. 231, C. E. Woodward, M. D. Bicay, J. M. Shull, eds., ASP, S. Francisco, p. 78.
[26] López-Corredoira M., Cohen M., Hammersley P. L., 2001, ``The bulge luminosity functions in the MSX infrared bands'', A&A, 367, 106 .
[25] López-Corredoira M., Garzón F., Hammersley P. L., 2001, ``An excess of very bright stars in the inner bulge'', MNRAS, 320, 31 .
[24] Hammersley P. L., Garzón F., Mahoney T. J., López-Corredoira M., Torres M. A. P., 2000, ``Detection of the old stellar component of the major Galactic bar'', MNRAS, 317, L45 .
[23] Betancort-Rijo J., López-Corredoira M., 2000, ``The complete Zeldovich approximation'', ApJ 534, L117 .
[22] López-Corredoira M., Hammersley P. L., Garzón F., Simonneau E., Mahoney T. J., 2000, ``Inversion of stellar statistics equation for the Galactic Bulge'', MNRAS, 313, 392 .
[21] López-Corredoira M., Beckman J. E., Casuso E., 1999, ``High-velocity clouds as dark matter in the Local Group'', A&A, 351, 920 .
[20] Hammersley P. L., Cohen M., Garzón F., Mahoney T. J., López-Corredoira M., 1999, ``Structure in the First Quadrant of the Galaxy: an Analysis of "TMGS" Star Counts using the "SKY" Model'', MNRAS, 308, 333 .
[19] López-Corredoira M., Garzón F., Beckman J. E., Mahoney T. J., Hammersley P. L., Calbet X., 1999, ``A major star formation region in the receding tip of the stellar Galactic bar. II. Supplementary information and evidence that the bar is not the same structure as the triaxial bulge previously reported'', AJ, 118, 381 .
[18] López-Corredoira M., 1999, ``A conspicuous increase of Galactic contamination over CMBR at large angular scales'', A&A, 346, 369 .
[17] López-Corredoira, Garzón F., Hammersley P. L., Mahoney T. J., 1998, ``Search for star clustering: methodology and application to the Two Micron Galactic Survey'', MNRAS, 301, 289 .
[16] Hammersley P. L., Garzón F., Mahoney T., López-Corredoira M., 1998, ``IR Star Counts in the Inner Disc'', The Impact of Near-infrared Sky Surveys on Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy (Astrophysics and Space Science Library, v. 230), N. Epchtein, ed., Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 63 .
[15] López-Corredoira M., Garzón F., Mahoney T., Hammersley P. L., Calbet X. 1998, ``Galactic Bulge from TMGS Star Counts'', The Impact of Near-infrared Sky Surveys on Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy (Astrophysics and Space Science Library, v. 230), N. Epchtein, ed., Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 57 .
[14] Garzón F., López-Corredoira M., Hammersley P. L., Mahoney T. J., Calbet X., Beckman J. E., 1997, ``A major star formation region in the receding tip of the stellar Galactic bar'', ApJ, 491, L31 .
[13] López-Corredoira M., Garzón F., Hammersley P. L., Mahoney T. J., Calbet X., 1997, ``The morphology and luminosity function of the Galactic bulge from TMGS star counts'', MNRAS, 292, L15 .
[12] López-Corredoira M., 1997, ``Force equation of the large-scale structure of the Universe'', A&A, 326, 433 .
[11] López-Corredoira M., 1997, ``Estructura y poblaciones de la región interior de la Vía Láctea'', Universidad de La Laguna; departamento de Astrofísica; PhD thesis .
[10] Mahoney T., Hammersley P. L., Garzón F., Calbet X., López-Corredoira M., 1997, ``Surveying the Galactic plane'', Baltic Astronomy, 6, 183 .
[9] López-Corredoira M., Garzón F., Mahoney T., Hammersley P., 1997, ``A method for correcting star counts in moderately overcrowded fields'', The Impact of Large Scale Near-IR Sky Surveys (Astrophysics and Space Science Library, V. 210), F. Garzón, N. Epchtein, A. Omont, B. Burton & P. Persi, eds., Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 107 .
[8] Betancort-Rijo J., López-Corredoira M., 1996, ``The Size Distribution of Excursion Sets and the Cosmic Mass Function'', ApJ, 470, 674 .
[7] Betancort-Rijo J., López-Corredoira M., 1996, ``Relationships between cluster densities and other statistical quantities'', A&A, 313, 8 .
[6] Hammersley P. L., Mahoney T. J., Garzón F., Calbet X., López-Corredoira M., 1996, ``Chasing shadows in the TMGS'', New Extragalactic Perspectives in the New South Africa (Astrophys. Space Sci. Libr., v. 209), D. L. Block, J. Mayo Greenberg, eds., Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 534 .
[5] Calbet X., López-Corredoira M., Hammersley P. L., Mahoney T., Garzón F., Beckman J. E., 1996, ``Sampling the bar population'', New Extragalactic Perspectives in the New South Africa (Astrophys. Space Sci. Libr., v. 209), D. L. Block, J. Mayo Greenberg, eds., Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 532 .
[4] Mahoney T. J., Hammersley P. L., López-Corredoira M., Garzón F., Calbet X., 1996, ``Extinction in the direction of the end-of-bar star formation region '', New Extragalactic Perspectives in the New South Africa (Astrophys. Space Sci. Libr., v. 209), D. L. Block, J. Mayo Greenberg, eds., Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 530 .
[3] Garzón F., Hammersley P. L., Calbet X., Mahoney T. J., López-Corredoira M., 1996, ``Galactic structure and morphology of the Milky Way from the TMGS'', New Extragalactic Perspectives in the New South Africa (Astrophys. Space Sci. Libr., v. 209), D. L. Block, J. Mayo Greenberg, eds., Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 388 .
[2] Calbet X., Mahoney T., Hammersley P. L., Garzón F., López-Corredoira M., 1996, ``A Dust Lane Leading the Galactic Bar at Negative Galactic Longitudes'', ApJ, 457, L27 .
[1] López-Corredoira M., 1994, ``Mecánica estadística en líquidos y la dinámica del Universo a gran escala.'', Universidad Complutense de Madrid; departamento de Física de la Tierra, Astronomía y Astrofísica II; tesina .