(64) Mention: "High Velocity Clouds Comprise Less of the Milky Way’s Mass Than We Thought"; Universe Today, December 10th 2024
(63) Debate: "Troubling echoes of the Big Bang". Festival "How the light gets in" (Institute of Art and Ideas), London (UK), September 21st 2024 [full video under subscription at IAI-TV]
(62) Interview: "Martín López Corredoira, astrofísico del IAC: 'Probablemente tengamos que cambiar la edad del universo'"; La Voz de Galicia (newspaper, Galicia, Spain), August 11th 2024
(61) Interview: "Martír;n López, físico lucense: 'Mi motivación es buscarle las cosquillas al modelo del Big Bang'"; El Progreso (newspaper, Lugo, Spain), August 8th 2024
(60) Mention: "A study suggests that there are galaxies which might be older than the currently accepted age of the universe"; IAC-press release, July 25th 2024
(59) Mention: "New discovery based on LAMOST data: The Milky Way is quieter than previously thought"; Chinese Academy of Sciences-press release, April 26th 2024
(58) Book Review: "Fundamental Ideas in Cosmology: Scientific, philosophical and sociological critical perspectives", The Observatory, 143, 94-97 (April 2023)
(57) Book Review: "Free Speech in a World of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity", The European Legacy (2023)
(56) Book Review: "Crítica científica, sociológica y filosófica de la Cosmología", El Catoblepas, 201, p. 16 (2022)
(55) Book Review: "Fundamental Ideas in Cosmology: Scientific, philosophical and sociological critical perspectives", Alternative Cosmology Group, Newsletter, November 2022
(54) Book Review: "Reseña de Voluntad II. Voluntad colectiva y más allá del ser humano", Naturaleza y Libertad, 15, October 2021
(53) Mention: "Voluntad Indómita, de Martín López Corredoira", Periodista Digital, 2021, September 1st
(52) Mention: "Does the Milky Way move like a spinning top?"; IAC-press release, May 25th 2021
(51) Mention: "New Evidence Sheds Light on Origin of Warp in the Milky Way"; Chinese Academy of Science press release, 2020, July 17th
(50) Mention: "Sources of light which appear and disappear observed in the sky"; IAC-press release, 2019, December 12th
(49) Mention: "Demandada editorial por censurar libro ofensivo para las mujeres", Mediterráneo Digital, 2019, December 9th
(48) Mention: "The disc of the Milky Way is bigger than we thought"; IAC-press release, 2018, May 9th
(47) Book Review: "La Voluntad triunfante. El uno frente a la masa"; El Catoblepas (digital journal), 181, December 2017
(46) Interview: "ADN Galego", Televisión de Galicia, 10/7/2017
(45) Mention: "Carta a mis sobrinos"; La Provincia (newspaper, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain), 9/18/2017. Reply in: "Réplica de un filósofo e investigador del IAC al acoso mediático de feministas"
(44) Mention: "De putas y de idiotas"; Elmanifiesto.com (digital newspaper), 7/31/2017
(43) Interview: "El acusado de misoginia en el IAC aclara que se tergiversó su texto"; La Opinión de Tenerife (newspaper, Tenerife, Spain), 7/20/2017
(42) Mention: "El Doctor"; La Provincia (newspaper, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain), 7/9/2017. Reply in: "Réplica de un filósofo e investigador del IAC al acoso mediático de feministas"
(41) Mention: "Condena unánime a la publicación con comentarios misóginos de un científico"; La Opinión de Tenerife (newspaper, Tenerife, Spain), 7/8/2017. Reply in: ACLARACIONES sobre la polémica suscitada por el capítulo 5 de "Voluntad"
(40) Mention: "El IAC retira de su web la reseña de un libro misógino tras las críticas en la Red"; La Opinión de Tenerife (newspaper, Tenerife, Spain), 7/7/2017. Reply in: ACLARACIONES sobre la polémica suscitada por el capítulo 5 de "Voluntad"
(39) Mention: "El Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias retira de su web la reseña de un libro misógino"; eldiario.es (digital newspaper), 7/5/2017. Reply in: ACLARACIONES sobre la polémica suscitada por el capítulo 5 de "Voluntad"
(38) Mention: "El Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias retira de su web la reseña de un libro misógino"; hipertextual.com (digital newspaper), 7/5/2017. Reply in: ACLARACIONES sobre la polémica suscitada por el capítulo 5 de "Voluntad"
(37) Book Review of "Voluntad. La fuerza heroica que arrastra la vida"; "De Filosofía" (Chilean electronic journal), 2016, November 28th
(36) Book Review of "Against the Tide"; Journal of Scientific Exploration (journal, U.S.), 30, pp. 282-285 (June 2016)
(35) Mention: "New findings in spiral galaxies challenge the dark matter hypothesis"; IAC-press release, 2016, January 26th
(34) Book Review of "The Twilight of the Scientific Age"; Polis (Chilean journal), 42 (2015)
(33) Mention: "Los ojos gallegos que observan el Universo" ("The galician eyes that observe the Universe"); Faro de Vigo (newspaper, Vigo, Pontevedra, Spain), 12/27/2015, pp. 6-7
(32) Interview; "Voluntad... contra el mundo que nos aniquila" ("Will... against the world that annihilates us"); ElManifiesto.com (digital newspaper), 12/10/2015
(31) Book Review of "The Twilight of the Scientific Age"; Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics (European journal), 52-B, pp. 369-370 (November 2015)
(30) Book Review of "The Twilight of the Scientific Age"; Antiphysical Review (digital journal, Romania), 196, pp. 1-6 (September 2014)
(29) Book Review of "The Twilight of the Scientific Age"; Journal of Scientific Exploration (journal, U.S.), 27, pp. 711-713 (December 2013)
(28) Book Review of "The Twilight of the Scientific Age"; The Observatory (journal, U.K.), 133, pp. 368-369 (December 2013)
(27) Book Review of "The Twilight of the Scientific Age"; Infinite Energy (journal, USA), 112, pp. 70-71 (November-December 2013)
(26) Book Review of "The Twilight of the Scientific Age"; Current Science (journal, India), 105, p. 1171 (10/25/2013)
(25) Interview; "La ciencia es ahora un instrumento económico antes que el sueño de unos intelectuales" ("Science is now an economical instrument rather than a dreams of intellectuals"); Diagonal (digital newspaper, Madrid), 8/19/2013
(24) Interview; "Se tiende a eliminar ideas rompedoras" ("There is a trend to remove ground-breaking ideas"; Diagonal (newspaper, Madrid), May 16-29 2013
(23) Interview; "Del Mito a la Razón" ("From Myth to Reason") (documentary produced by hablandodeciencia.com, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2011)
(22) Interview; Caos y Ciencia (digital journal, Spain), 6/3/2011
(21) Interview; "El Yo, una ilusión" ("I, an illusion"); La Hoja de Arena (digital journal, Mexico), 5/13/2011
(20) Book Review of "Against the Tide"; AIG News (Australia), 98, 16 (November 2009)
(19) Interview; Medicina y Humanidades (digital journal, Chile), nr. 2, 11 (2009)
(18) Book Review of "Against the Tide"; The Observatory (journal, U.K.), 129, pp. 156-157 (June 2009)
(17) Interview: "La propaganda científica contra el cambio climático" ("The scientific propaganda against global warming"); ElManifiesto.com (digital newspaper, Spain), 3/3/2009
(16) Book Review of "Against the Tide"; The Observatory (journal, U.K.), 129, pp. 32-33 (February 2009)
(15) Book Review of "\BFDios o la materia?"; Thémata (journal, Spain), 41, pp. 646-651 (2009)
(14) Interview: "Un Universo de preguntas" ("A Universe of questions"); Diario de Avisos (newspaper, Tenerife, Spain), 11/29/2008, p. 10
(13) Book Review of "Against the Tide"; Current Science (journal, India), 95, pp. 1485-1487 (11/25/2008)
(12) Interview: "Debate golpe a golpe sobre Dios" ("Debate hit by hit about God"); Diario Uno (newspaper, Mendoza, Argentina), 7/6/2008, p. 9
(11) Book Review of "Against the Tide"; Infinite Energy (journal, USA), 80, pp. 1-2 (July-August 2008)
(10) Interview: "Hay una verdad y la filosofía la tiene que buscar" ("There is a Truth and Philosophie has to look for it"); La Gaceta de los Negocios (newspaper, Madrid, Spain), 5/15/2008
(9) Interview: "Dios ha sido un comodín para todo, pero no soluciona nada" ("God has been a wild card for everything, but He does not solve anything"); La Opinión de Tenerife (newspaper, Tenerife, Spain), 4/26/2008, p. 72
(8) Mention: "\BFDios o la materia?"; IAC-press release, 2008, April 14th
(7) Mention: "Arte y Ciencia: la fórmula del lápiz" ("Art and Science: the formula of the pencil"); IAC-press release, 2/19/2006
(6) Interview; "Universe. The Cosmology Quest" (documentary produced by Floating World Films, USA, 2004), Episode 1
(5) Interview: "Es necesario aunar ciencia y humanística" ("Unification of science and humanities is necessary"); La Voz de Asturias (newspaper, Oviedo, Spain), 1/28/2001, p. 8
(4) Interview: "Somos fragmentos de naturaleza arrastrados por sus leyes" ("We are fragment of nature driven by its laws"); La Nueva España (newspaper, Oviedo, Spain), 1/26/2001, p. 61
(3) Interview: "Desde la razón a las estrellas" ("From Reason to the Stars"); El Progreso (newspaper, Lugo, Spain), 8/2/1998, p. 4
(2) Mention: "Lucenses en las estrellas" ("People from Lugo in the stars"); El Progreso (newspaper, Lugo, Spain), 6/8/1998, p. 64
(1) Mention of "Diálogos entre razón y sentimiento"; El Siglo XXI (Universitary newspaper, Tenerife), 12/9/1997, p. 23