- Books:
López Corredoira M., Todd T., Olsson E. J. (Editors), 2022, Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and the Threat to Academic Freedom , Imprint Academic, Exeter (UK).
Prologue ( Spanish translation); brief selection of texts .
López-Corredoira M., 2022, Fundamental Ideas in Cosmology. Scientific, philosophical and sociological critical perspectives , IoP Publishing, Bristol (UK).
López Corredoira M., 2015, Voluntad. La fuerza heroica que arrastra la vida, Ed. Áltera, Madrid.
Reedition: 2019-2022, Vol. I ("Voluntad individual"), Vol. II ("Voluntad colectiva y más allá del ser humano"), Vol. III ("Voluntad y la vida idealizada"), Ed. EAS, Torrevieja (Alicante).
López Corredoira M., 2013, The Twilight of the Scientific Age, BrownWalker Press, Boca Raton (FL, USA).
Arana J., Trujillo I., Soler F., López Corredoira M., Sanroma M., 2012, La cosmología en el siglo XXI: entre la física y la filosofía (Cosmology in 21st Century: between Physics and Philosophy), Arola Editors , Tarragona (Spain).
Translated into catalan in: 2012, La cosmologia en el segle XXI: entre la física i la filosofia , Arola Editors, Tarragona (Spain).
López Corredoira M., 2010, El sinsentido de la vida (The non-sense of life), Lulu, Raleigh (NC, USA). [theater play in verse with philosophical overtones]
Soler Gil, F. J., López Corredoira M., 2008, ¿Dios o la materia? Un debate sobre cosmología, ciencia y religión (God or matter? A debate on cosmology, science and religion), Ed. Áltera, Barcelona.
López Corredoira M., Castro Perelman C. (Editors), 2008, Against the Tide. A Critical Review by Scientists of How Physics and Astronomy Get Done, Universal Publishers, Boca Raton (FL, USA).
Translated into Spanish in: 2012, A contracorriente: Un análisis crítico por científicos sobre cómo se hacen la física y la astronomía, Common Ground Publishing España, Madrid.
López Corredoira M., 2005, Somos fragmentos de Naturaleza arrastrados por sus leyes (We are Fragments of Nature Driven by Its Laws), Vision Net, Madrid.
Derived from the academic work: 2003, Contra el libre albedrío en el marco de las ciencias naturales contemporáneas (Against free will in the contemporary natural sciences), University of Sevilla; Faculty of Philosophy; PhD thesis.
López Corredoira M., 1997, Diálogos entre razón y sentimiento (Dialogues between Reason and Sentiment), Libertarias-Prodhufi, Madrid.
E-book: 2001, Diálogos entre razón y sentimiento, Virtualibro, La Coruña.

- Articles: Philosophical contributions in format of article are divided in two large groups: 1) About what is; 2) About what ought to be.
Theoretical Philosophy. Mainly, about Science and Nature: ontology, epistemology and sociology.

Philosophy of Physics: on determinism in Newtonian physics [I], or Philosophy of Biology: evolution theory [XVIII], or neuroscience [XX,XXIII]. On Cosmology, its scientific method and social circumstances [VIII,XVII,XXVI,XLII,XLVII,LXII]. Sociological analysis or about its sense on astrophysics [XI] or science in general [XII,XXV,XXVII,XXVIII,XXX,XXXVIII,LXIX], pointing out its decline. Philosophical biographies of scientists [XLVII,LVIII,LXIV,LXVIII]

The given developments may be included in the so-called "materialism", though with some proper tinges: On materialism in general or in particular cases [II,III,IV,XVIII,XX,XXIII]; Freedom of the will from a standpoint which denies it or considers it absurd within a world governed by causal laws, determinist or indeterminist, and from which human beings cannot escape [II,V,IX,XV,XVI,XXIII,LXI]; Transhumanism and the critical vision about machines can be comparable to human beings [XXXIX]; God existence from its implicitly materialist denial [XIII] or related to the fine tuning [XXIX]; Denial of the principle of individuation in nature, and the separability and the concept of subject as human artifacts [XIV]; Will in Nature [XXXIII].

Practical Philosophy. Political philosophy: Against democracy [VI,X,XLIII,LXIII], or in a claim for the union of peoples [XIII,XLVIII,LXIII] instead of the quarrel and dissent in the childish democratic theatre in present-day; On geopolitics and wars [LXV,LXVI]. The interpretation of History and the contemporary political is carried out in terms of decline of civilization pointed out by Oswald Spengler [X,LI,LII,LIII,LIV,LVI,LXVI]. Philosophy of Law: on responsibility [VII]. Economy/sociology: Against the society of god-work [XIX]; Digitalization [LXX], Masses' tourism [LXVII]; There is not a true ecological solution in our economical and scientific system, but merely business with green propaganda [XXI,XL,XLV,XLVI]; Criticism to the victimhood and the harassment by feminists and other "woke" ideologies, and the effeminated society [XXXIV,XXXV,XXXVI,XXXVII,XLI,XLIV,IL,L,LI,LIV,LV,LIX,LX,LXXI,LXXII]; pandemics COVID-19 and social implications [XLVI,LVII].

The work of unclassifiable style "El espíritu de la materia" ("The Spirit of Matter") [XXII,XXIV] offers in a language between poetry and philosophy the spiritual sense within the context of the nihilistic nonsense which is implicit in materialism or naturalism.

"Voluntad" ("Will") [XXXI,XXXII] gives a view on all the topics of philosophy related to practical philosophy.


- Chapters of books:
[LXVIII] López Corredoira M., 2023, ``Gómez Pereira: de que los animales no tienen alma'' (``Gómez Pereira, on the lack of soul in animals''), en: J. Arana, Ed., La cosmovisión de los grandes creadores de la ciencia moderna: Convicciones éticas, políticas, filosóficas o religiosas de los protagonistas de la renovació del saber en los siglos XVI y XVII , Ed. Tecnos, Madrid, pp. 432-441.
[LXIV] López Corredoira M., 2022, ``Joseph Priestley, materialista y creyente, incendiario químico del fuego'' (``Joseph Priestley, materialist and believer, incendiary chemist of fire''), en: J. Arana, Ed., La cosmovisión de los grandes científicos de la Ilustración: Convicciones éticas, políticas, filosóficas o religiosas de los protagonistas de la ciencia en el siglo XVIII , Ed. Tecnos, Madrid, pp. 198-208.
[LXI] López Corredoira M., 2021, ``Juan Arana, el sabio humilde'' (``Juan Arana, the humble wise man''), in: F. Rodríguez Valls, J. J. Padial, Eds., Ciencia y filosofía. Estudios en homenaje a Juan Arana, vol. I, Ed. Thémata, Sevilla, pp. 73-79.
[LVIII] López Corredoira M., 2021, ``John Dalton, pionero del atomismo científico'' (``John Dalton, pioneer of scientific atomism''), in: J. Arana, Ed., La cosmovisión de los grandes científicos del siglo XIX. Convicciones éticas, políticas, filosóficas o religiosas de los protagonistas del siglo de la cienica , Ed. Tecnos, Madrid, pp. 85-95.
[XLVII] López Corredoira M., 2020, ``Edwin P. Hubble, astropolítico'' (``Edwin P. Hubble, astropolitician''), in: J. Arana, Ed., La cosmovisión de los grandes científicos del siglo XX. Convicciones éticas, políticas, filosóficas o religiosas de los protagonistas de las revoluciones científicas contemporáneas , Ed. Tecnos, Madrid, pp. 221-231.
[XXXVIII] López Corredoira M., 2018, ``El ocaso de la era científica'' (``The Twilight of the Scientific Age''), in: A. Cuevas Badallo, O. Torres González, R. López Orellana, D. Labrador Montero, Eds., Cultura Científica y Cultura Tecnológica. Actas del IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Filosofía de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, Ed. Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, pp. 144-150.
[XV] López Corredoira M., 2018, ``Forces Acting Against Free Will in the Contemporary Natural Sciences'', in: D. Muench, Ed., Free Will: Interpretations, Implementations and Assessments, Nova Science Publ., New York, pp. 1-38.
Republished in: 2019, C. Malone, Ed., Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Nova Science Publ., New York, ch. 52.
Spanish version: 2009, ``Contra el libre albedrío en el marco de las ciencias naturales contemporáneas'' , Eikasia, 27, pp. 61-92
[XXIII] López Corredoira M., 2011, ``El fatalismo en los procesos mentales desde Freud hasta nuestros tiempos'' (``Fatalism in the mental processes from Freud to nowadays''), in: F. Rodríguez Valls, C. Diosdado, J. Arana, Eds., Asalto a lo mental. Neurociencias, conciencia y libertad, Biblioteca Nueva, Madrid, pp. 99-112.
[XX] López Corredoira M., 2010, ``Algunas respuestas a las críticas al materialismo en el problema mente-cerebro'' (''Some replies to the criticism against materialism in the mind-body problem''), in: C. Diosdado, F. Rodríguez Valls, J. Arana, Eds., Neurofilosofía. Perspectivas contemporáneas, Thémata/Plaza y Valdés, Sevilla, pp. 129-141.
[XVII] López Corredoira M., 2009, ``Sociology of Modern Cosmology'' (ASP Conf. Ser. 409), in: J. A. Rubiño Martin, J. A. Belmonte, F. Prada, & A. Alberdi, Eds., Cosmology across Cultures, ASP, S. Francisco, pp. 66-73
Russian version: 2013,
bourabai.kz/articles .
[XII] López Corredoira M., 2008, ``What is research?'' , in: M. López Corredoira, C. Castro Perelman, Eds., 2008, Against the Tide. A Critical Review by Scientists of How Physics and Astronomy Get Done, Universal Publishers, Boca Raton (FL, USA), pp. 219-225
Version of the year 1997: Metaphysical Review, 4(2), 5.
Spanish version: ``¿Qué es investigar?'', in: M. López Corredoira, C. Castro Perelman, Eds., 2012, A contracorriente: Un análisis crítico por científicos sobre cómo se hacen la física y la astronomía, Common Ground Publishing España, Madrid, pp. 181-186 .
Czech version: 2002, ``Co je to výzkum?'', Natura, 5/2002
[XI] López Corredoira M., 2008, ``What do astrophysics and the world's oldest profession have in common?'', in: M. López Corredoira, C. Castro Perelman, Eds., 2008, Against the Tide. A Critical Review by Scientists of How Physics and Astronomy Get Done, Universal Publishers, Boca Raton (FL, USA), pp. 145-177
Spanish version: ``¿Qué tienen en común la astrofísica y la profesión más vieja del mundo?'', M. López Corredoira, C. Castro Perelman, Eds., 2012, A contracorriente: Un análisis crítico por científicos sobre cómo se hacen la física y la astronomía, Common Ground Publishing España, Madrid, pp. 119-144 .

- Papers in academic journals:
[XXXIX] López Corredoira M., 2019, ``Del hombre-máquina a la máquina-hombre: materialismo, mecanicismo y transhumanismo'' (``From man-machine to machine-man: materialism, mechanicism and transhumanism''), Naturaleza y Libertad. Revista de estudios interdisciplinares, 12 ("Inteligencia artificial y antropología filosófica. ¿Es posible transferir la mente humana a un soporte no biológico?"), pp. 179-190.
[XXIX] López Corredoira M., 2015, ``Ajuste fino: Nueva versión del mito del Dios-relojero para tapar agujeros en el conocimiento científico'' (``Fine-Tuning: New Version of the Watchmaker God for Covering Gaps in Scientific Knowledge''), Naturaleza y Libertad. Revista de estudios interdisciplinares, 5 ("El ajuste fino de la naturaleza"), pp. 83-94.
[XXVIII] López Corredoira M., 2014, ``The Twilight of the Scientific Age'', Proceedings of Science (SISSA), FFP14, 215 .
[XXVI] López Corredoira M., 2014, ``Non-standard Models and the Sociology of Cosmology'', Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 46-A, pp. 86-96.
[XXV] López Corredoira M., 2014, ``El ocaso de la era científica / The twilight of the scientific age'', Eikasia, 54, pp. 119-146 .
[XXIV] López Corredoira M., 2013, ``El espíritu de la materia'' (``The Spirit of Matter''), Naturaleza y Libertad. Revista de estudios interdisciplinares, 2 ("Monismo, dualismo, pluralismo"), pp. 133-146 .
[XXII] López Corredoira M., 2011, ``El espíritu de la materia. Meditaciones poético-filosóficas'' (``The Spirit of Matter. Poetic-philosophical reflections''), Thémata, 44, pp. 353-386 .
[XVI] López Corredoira M., 2009, ``Quantum mechanics and free will: counter-arguments'', NeuroQuantology, 7(3), pp. 449-456 (invited article).
Version of the year 2002: Journal of Non-Locality and Remote Mental Interactions, Vol. I Nr. 3 .
Czech version: 2003, ``Kvantová mechanika a svobodná vu*le'', Universum, 7.2
[XV] López Corredoira M., 2009, ``Contra el libre albedrío en el marco de las ciencias naturales contemporáneas'' , Eikasia, 27, pp. 61-92.
Version of the year 2004: Thémata, 32, pp. 227-252.
English version: 2018, ``Forces Acting Against Free Will in the Contemporary Natural Sciences'', in: D. Muench, Ed., Free Will: Interpretations, Implementations and Assessments, Nova Science Publ., New York, pp. 1-38
[XIV] López Corredoira M., 2009, ``La negación del principio de individuación en la naturaleza, y la separabilidad y el concepto de sujeto como artificios humanos'' (``The denial of the principle of individuation in Nature, and the separability and the concept of subject as human artifices''), Thémata, 41, pp. 482-497 .
[IX] López Corredoira M., 2008, ``Naturaleza vs. Libertad'' (``Nature vs. Freedom''), Thémata, 40, pp. 257-266 .
[VII] López Corredoira M., 2004, ``Castigo y derecho sin libre albedrío ni responsabilidad'' (``Punishment and law without free will and no responsibility''), Dikaiosyne, 13, pp. 37-43.
[VI] López Corredoira M., 2004, ``Contra la democracia'' (``Against democracy''), Dikaiosyne, 12, pp. 77-85.
[V] López Corredoira M., 2004, ``Contra el libre albedrío: aclaraciones ulteriores'' (``Against free will: ulterior clarifications''), Thémata, 32, pp. 297-304.

- Articles in non-academic journals:
[LX] López Corredoira M., 2021, ``Feminismo en la ciencia. Ideología impuesta y caza de brujas / Feminism in science: an imposed ideology and a witch hunt'' , Scripta Philosophiae Naturalis, 20, id. 3
[LVI] López Corredoira M., 2021, ``Las tres degradaciones de la cultura'' ("The three degradations of culture"), El Catoblepas, 196, 14.
Version of 4 parts of Disidentia: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , disidentia.com, 2021, March 12th, 19th, 26th, April 9th.
[LI] López Corredoira M., 2020, ``Crisis demográfica europea, feminismo y decadencia de Occidente'' ("European demographical crisis, feminism and decline of the West"), El Catoblepas, 192, 11.
[XLVI] López Corredoira M., 2020, ``Los beneficios del coronavirus para la salud del Planeta'', El Catoblepas, 191, 20.
English version: 2020, ``The benefits of coronavirus for the health of the planet'', Science 2.0, 4-3-2020.
[XXXVI] López Corredoira M., 2018, ``Una visión alternativa sobre la historia de la mujer occidental y el feminismo'' ("An alternative vision about the history of western woman and feminism"), El Catoblepas, 182, 3 .
English version (unauthorized): voziberica.com, September 16th, 2022 .
[XXXIII] López Corredoira M., 2016, ``¿Qué quiere la Naturaleza?'' ("What does Nature want?"), Scripta Philosophiae Naturalis, 10, pp. 29-39
[XXXII] López Corredoira M., 2016, ``La fuerza de la vida'' ("The force of life"), Filosofía Hoy, 51, 51 (Enero 2016)
[XXI] López Corredoira M., 2011, ``La espiritualidad ecologista y sus sacerdotes'' (``The ecologist spirituality and its priests''), Disidencias, 11, pp. 59-71 .
[XIX] López Corredoira M., 2009, ``¡Viva el desempleo!, ¡abajo el consumo! (``Hurrah for the unemployment!, down with the consumption!'') , El Manifiesto contra la muerte del espíritu y la tierra, 11, pp. 67-89 .
[X] López Corredoira M., 2008, ``Leer a Oswald Spengler en los tiempos de decadencia de occidente'' (``Reading Oswald Spengler in the times of decline of the West''), El Manifiesto contra la muerte del espíritu y la tierra, 9, pp. 63-80 .
[IV] Alvargonzález D., López Corredoira M., 2002, ``Un epistolario de 2001, ejemplo de diálogo entre materialistas'' (``A collection of 2001 letters, example of dialogue between materialists''), El Catoblepas, 4, 19 .
[III] López Corredoira M., 2002, ``¿Por qué no cito a Bueno?'' (``Why do not I cite Bueno?''), El Catoblepas, 4, 17 .
[II] Pérez Chico D., López Corredoira M., 2002, ``Sobre el libre albedrío. Dos únicas opciones: dualismo o materialismo'' (``On free will. Two unique options: dualism or materialism''), El Catoblepas, 2, 1 .
[I] López Corredoira M., 2001, ``Determinismo en la física clásica: Laplace vs. Popper o Prigogine'' (``Determinism in classical physics: Laplace vs. Popper or Prigogine''), El Basilisco, 29, pp. 29-42.

- Articles in newspapers:
[XXXIV] López Corredoira M., 2017, "Réplica de un filósofo e investigador del IAC al acoso mediático de feministas" ("Reply of a philosopher and researcher of IAC to the harassment through the mass media by feminists"), La Provincia, September 29th 2017
[XXX] López Corredoira M., 2015, ``El ocaso de la era científica'' (``The Twilight of the Scientific Age''), El País, Sect. Science (``Materia''), December 2nd 2015.

- Articles in digital media:
[LXXII] López Corredoira M., 2023, ``¡Misógino!'' (''Misogynist!''), disidentia.com, December 20th, 2023.
[LXXI] López Corredoira M., 2023, ``Perspectiva de GÉNERo de-GENERada'' (''DeGENerate GENder perspective''), disidentia.com, November 30th, 2023.
[LXX] López Corredoira M., 2023, ``La digitalización de la plebe'' (''Digitalization of plebeians''), disidentia.com, June 1st, 2023.
[LXIX] López Corredoira M., 2023, ``La ciencia y sus demonios'' , disidentia.com, March 12th, 2023.
English version: 2023, ``Science and Its Daemons'', Science 2.0, March 27th, 2023.
[LXVII] López Corredoira M., 2022, ``Turismo: cuando el vulgo viaja'' (``Tourism: plebeians travelling''), disidentia.com, July 25th, 2022.
[LXVI] López Corredoira M., 2022, ``Guerra de ricos decandentes contra naciones emergentes'' (``War between decadent rich people and emergent nations''), disidentia.com, July 4th, 2022.
[LXV] López Corredoira M., 2022, ``¡Viva Rusia (y Ucrania)!'' (``Long live Russia (and Ukraine)!''), disidentia.com, May 9th, 2022.
Russian version: 2022, zen.yandex.ru, May 10th, 2022 .
[LXIII] López Corredoira M., 2021, ``Ni libertad, ni igualdad, ni fraternidad'' ("Neither liberty, nor equality nor fraternity"), disidentia.com, December 27th 2021.
[LXII] López Corredoira M., 2021, ``The problem with the Nobel Prize'', The Institute of Arts and Ideas News, October 12th 2021.
Spanish version: 2021, ``Nobel de física: ¿un premio de reconocimiento político-social?'', disidentia.com, October 19th 2021.
[LIX] López Corredoira M., 2021, ``Parastronautas y Nobel de física para subnormales'' ("Parastronauts and Nobel of Physics for abnormal people"), disidentia.com, 2021, June 10th.
[LVII] López Corredoira M., 2021, ``La COVID-19 y la plebe'' ("COVID-19 and the plebeians"), disidentia.com, 2021, April 30th.
[LVI] López Corredoira M., 2021, ``Las tres degradaciones de la cultura'' ("The three degradations of culture"): parts 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , disidentia.com, 2021, March 12th, 19th, 26th, April 9th.
Integral version of "El Catoblepas": 2021, El Catoblepas, 196, 14.
[LV] López Corredoira M., 2020, ``Feminismo: sólo hay dinero para propaganda'' ("Feminism: there is only money for propaganda"), disidentia.com, December 15th 2020.
[LIV] López Corredoira M., 2020, ``Feminismo y decadencia'' ("Feminism and decadence"), disidentia.com, November 11th 2020.
[LIII] López Corredoira M., 2020, ``Declive de inteligencia e inmigración'' ("Decline of intelligence and inmigration"), disidentia.com, October 17th 2020.
[LII] López Corredoira M., 2020, ``Crisis demográfica, inmigración y el declive de Europa'' (``Demographical crisis, inmigration and the decline of Europe''), disidentia.com, September 27th 2020.
[L] López Corredoira M., 2020, ``Reflections On The Statement 'The IAU Has A Clear Ideology About Inclusion That Has To Be Accepted By All Its Members' '', Science 2.0, August 8th 2020.
[IL] López Corredoira M., 2020, ``Afeminados y calzonazos'' (``Effeminate men and henpecked husbands''), disidentia.com, July 7th 2020.
[XLVIII] López Corredoira M., 2020, ``Desdén de la filosofía hacia la politiquería'', disidentia.com, June 13th 2020.
English version: 2021, ''Philosophy\92s disdain of politicking'' , Meer, 2021, June 19th.
[XLVI] López Corredoira M., 2020, ``The benefits of coronavirus for the health of the planet'', Science 2.0, 4-3-2020.
Spanish updated version: 2020, ``Los beneficios del coronavirus para la salud del Planeta'', El Catoblepas, 191, 20.
[XLV] López Corredoira M., 2019, ``Cambio climático: verdades del barquero, cuentos chinos y hemiplejía moral'', disidentia.com, December 18th 2019.
English version: 2021, ''Global warming. Plain truths, tall tales and moral hemiplegia'' , Meer, 2021, May 19th.
[XLIV] López Corredoira M., 2019, ``Ideología de género y acoso mediático'' (``Gender ideology and harassment by media''), disidentia.com, December 5th 2019.
[XLIII] López Corredoira M., 2019, ``La tradición del pensamiento antidemocrático'', disidentia.com, November 13th 2019.
English version: 2021, ``The tradition of antidemocratic thinking'', Meer, 2021, April 19th.
[XLII] Sylos Labini F., López Corredoira M., 2019, ``Nobel In Physics: A Prize For Outstanding Discoveries Or Socio-Political Recognition?'', Science 2.0, November 12th 2019.
Italian version: 2019, ``Nobel in Physics: un premio per scoperte eccezionali o un riconoscimento socio-politico?'', roars.it (Returns on Academic Research), November 19th 2019.
[XLI] López Corredoira M., 2019, ``Los Tartufos de nuestro tiempo. Réplica a Luis Folgado de Torres'' (``The Tartuffes or our time. Reply to Luis Folgado de Torres''), reeditor.com, July 6th 2019.
[XL] López Corredoira M., Villarroel B., 2019, ``How to Make Science and Academia Less Hypocritical and More Ecological'', RealClearScience, May 13th 2019.
Spanish version: 2019, ``Cómo hacer la ciencia y la academia menos hipócritas y más ecológicas'', disidentia.com, October 31st 2019.
[XXXVII] López Corredoira M., 2018, ``Gender Ideology In Science: The New Dogma And The New Witch Hunt'', Science 2.0, November 19th 2018.
Spanish version: 2019, ``Ideología de género en la ciencia: el nuevo dogma y la nueva caza de brujas'', disidentia.com, October 24th 2019.
[XXXV] López Corredoira M., 2017, ``Feminism in science: Towards a new witch-hunt?'', technology.org, November 23rd 2017.
Spanish version: 2017, ``Feminismo en la ciencia. ¿Hacia una nueva caza de brujas?'', elmanifiesto.com, November 27th 2017 (republished in disidentia.com, 2023, July 12th).
[XXXI] López Corredoira M., 2015, ``Voluntad. La fuerza heroica que arrastra la vida'' (``Will. The heroic force that drives life''), elmanifiesto.com, December 15th 2015.
[XXVII] López Corredoira M., 2014, ``Have we reached the twilight of the fundamental science era?'', Euroscientist.com, special issue on "Ethics, values and culture driving research".
Republished in: 2017, roars.it (Returns on Academic Research), December 30th 2017.
Spanish version: ``¿Hemos alcanzado el ocaso de la era científica?'', disidentia.com, November 6th 2019; LO Revista Cultural, June 19th 2022 .
Portuguese version: ``Chegamos ao crepúsculo da era científica?'', Cosmos e Contexto, October 25th 2021.
[XVIII] López Corredoira M., 2009, ``Las implicaciones materialistas de la teoría de Darwin'' (``Materialist implications of Darwin's theory''), Medicina y Humanidades, 2, 08 .
[XIII] López Corredoira M., 2008, ``La raíz filosófico-religiosa de la unión de los pueblos'' (``The philosophical-religious root of the union of peoples''), elmanifiesto.com, April 12th 2008 .
[VIII] López Corredoira M., 2005, ``Cosmología: sólo sé que no sé nada'' (``Cosmology: I only know that I know nothing''), Caos y Ciencia, September 2005 .

- REVIEWS of books or articles by other authors:
López Corredoira M., 2023, ``BOOK REVIEW: Make Physics Great Again. America Has Failed, By Alexander Unzicker'' Science 2.0, May 3rd 2023
López Corredoira M., 2021, ``La muerte según Soler Gil. Reseña del libro de Francisco José Soler Gil 'Al fin y al cabo. Reflexiones en la muerte de un amigo (Encuentro, Madrid 2021)' '' El Catoblepas, 197, 13
López Corredoira M., 2020, ``El futuro postapocalíptico de hierro y fuego. Reseña de: El arqueofuturismo de Guillaume Faye'', disidentia.com, March 7th 2020
French translation: ``Le futur post-apocalyptique du fer et du feu – Terre et Peuple'', info-elections.fr, June 23rd 2022.
López Corredoira M., 2019, ``El triunfo de Lucrecio. Carmelo Caravias Aguilar. Ediciones Alymar, Madrid, 2018'', El Catoblepas, 189, 13
López Corredoira M., 2017, ``Investigación y Ciencia, 494 (noviembre 2017), número monográfico 'Sexo, género y ciencia' '', ellibrepensador.com, December 29th 2017
López Corredoira M., 2017, ``No me pidas nacer. Cartas al ángel custodio. Miguel Ángel Castro Merino. León, Piediciones, 2017'', El Catoblepas, 181, 11
López Corredoira M., 2012, ``Los esclavos felices de la libertad. Javier Ruiz Portella. Barcelona, Áltera, 2011'', Thémata, 45, pp. 581-582
López Corredoira M., 2011, ``¿Qué es la naturaleza? Introducción filosófica a la historia de la ciencia. Héctor Velázquez Fernández. México, Porrúa, 2007'', Thémata, 44, pp. 595-596