- Books:
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López Corredoira M., Todd T., Olsson E. J. (Editors), 2022,
Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and the Threat to
Academic Freedom , Imprint Academic, Exeter (UK). Prologue ( Spanish translation); brief selection of texts . |
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López-Corredoira M., 2022, Fundamental Ideas in Cosmology. Scientific, philosophical and sociological critical perspectives , IoP Publishing, Bristol (UK). |
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López Corredoira M.,
Voluntad. La fuerza heroica que arrastra la vida,
Ed. Áltera, Madrid. Reedition: 2019-2022, Vol. I ("Voluntad individual"), Vol. II ("Voluntad colectiva y más allá del ser humano"), Vol. III ("Voluntad y la vida idealizada"), Ed. EAS, Torrevieja (Alicante). |
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López Corredoira M.,
The Twilight of the Scientific Age, BrownWalker Press, Boca Raton (FL, USA). |
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Arana J., Trujillo I., Soler F., López Corredoira M., Sanroma M.,
La cosmología en el siglo XXI: entre la física y la filosofía
(Cosmology in 21st Century: between Physics and Philosophy),
Arola Editors ,
Tarragona (Spain). Translated into catalan in: 2012, La cosmologia en el segle XXI: entre la física i la filosofia , Arola Editors, Tarragona (Spain). |
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López Corredoira M., 2010,
El sinsentido de la vida
(The non-sense of life),
Lulu, Raleigh (NC, USA).
[theater play in verse with philosophical
overtones] |
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Soler Gil, F. J., López Corredoira M., 2008,
¿Dios o la materia? Un debate sobre cosmología, ciencia y religión
(God or matter? A debate on cosmology, science and religion),
Ed. Áltera, Barcelona. |
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López Corredoira M., Castro Perelman C. (Editors), 2008,
Against the Tide. A
Critical Review by Scientists of How Physics and Astronomy Get Done,
Universal Publishers, Boca Raton (FL, USA). Translated into Spanish in: 2012, A contracorriente: Un análisis crítico por científicos sobre cómo se hacen la física y la astronomía, Common Ground Publishing España, Madrid. |
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López Corredoira M., 2005,
Somos fragmentos de Naturaleza arrastrados por sus leyes
(We are Fragments of Nature Driven by Its Laws),
Vision Net, Madrid. Derived from the academic work: 2003, Contra el libre albedrío en el marco de las ciencias naturales contemporáneas (Against free will in the contemporary natural sciences), University of Sevilla; Faculty of Philosophy; PhD thesis. |
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López Corredoira M., 1997,
Diálogos entre razón y sentimiento
(Dialogues between Reason and Sentiment),
Libertarias-Prodhufi, Madrid. E-book: 2001, Diálogos entre razón y sentimiento, Virtualibro, La Coruña. |
- Articles: Philosophical contributions in format of article are divided in two large groups: 1) About what is; 2) About what ought to be.
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Theoretical Philosophy.
Mainly, about Science and Nature: ontology, epistemology and sociology. Philosophy of Physics: on determinism in Newtonian physics [I], or Philosophy of Biology: evolution theory [XVIII], or neuroscience [XX,XXIII]. On Cosmology, its scientific method and social circumstances [VIII,XVII,XXVI,XLII,XLVII,LXII]. Sociological analysis or about its sense on astrophysics [XI] or science in general [XII,XXV,XXVII,XXVIII,XXX,XXXVIII,LXIX], pointing out its decline. Philosophical biographies of scientists [XLVII,LVIII,LXIV,LXVIII] The given developments may be included in the so-called "materialism", though with some proper tinges: On materialism in general or in particular cases [II,III,IV,XVIII,XX,XXIII]; Freedom of the will from a standpoint which denies it or considers it absurd within a world governed by causal laws, determinist or indeterminist, and from which human beings cannot escape [II,V,IX,XV,XVI,XXIII,LXI]; Transhumanism and the critical vision about machines can be comparable to human beings [XXXIX]; God existence from its implicitly materialist denial [XIII] or related to the fine tuning [XXIX]; Denial of the principle of individuation in nature, and the separability and the concept of subject as human artifacts [XIV]; Will in Nature [XXXIII]. |
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Practical Philosophy.
Political philosophy: Against democracy [VI,X,XLIII,LXIII], or in a claim for the union of peoples [XIII,XLVIII,LXIII] instead of the quarrel and dissent in the childish democratic theatre in present-day; On geopolitics and wars [LXV,LXVI]. The interpretation of History and the contemporary political is carried out in terms of decline of civilization pointed out by Oswald Spengler [X,LI,LII,LIII,LIV,LVI,LXVI].
Philosophy of Law: on responsibility [VII].
Economy/sociology: Against the society of god-work [XIX]; Digitalization [LXX], Masses' tourism [LXVII];
There is not a true ecological solution in our economical and scientific system, but merely business with green propaganda
[XXI,XL,XLV,XLVI]; Criticism to the victimhood and the harassment by feminists and other "woke" ideologies, and the effeminated society [XXXIV,XXXV,XXXVI,XXXVII,XLI,XLIV,IL,L,LI,LIV,LV,LIX,LX,LXXI,LXXII]; pandemics COVID-19 and social implications [XLVI,LVII]. The work of unclassifiable style "El espíritu de la materia" ("The Spirit of Matter") [XXII,XXIV] offers in a language between poetry and philosophy the spiritual sense within the context of the nihilistic nonsense which is implicit in materialism or naturalism. "Voluntad" ("Will") [XXXI,XXXII] gives a view on all the topics of philosophy related to practical philosophy. |
[LXVIII] López Corredoira M., 2023, ``Gómez Pereira: de que los animales no tienen alma'' (``Gómez Pereira, on the lack of soul in animals''), en: J. Arana, Ed., La cosmovisión de los grandes creadores de la ciencia moderna: Convicciones éticas, políticas, filosóficas o religiosas de los protagonistas de la renovació del saber en los siglos XVI y XVII , Ed. Tecnos, Madrid, pp. 432-441. |
[LXIV] López Corredoira M., 2022, ``Joseph Priestley, materialista y creyente, incendiario químico del fuego'' (``Joseph Priestley, materialist and believer, incendiary chemist of fire''), en: J. Arana, Ed., La cosmovisión de los grandes científicos de la Ilustración: Convicciones éticas, políticas, filosóficas o religiosas de los protagonistas de la ciencia en el siglo XVIII , Ed. Tecnos, Madrid, pp. 198-208. |
[LXI] López Corredoira M., 2021, ``Juan Arana, el sabio humilde'' (``Juan Arana, the humble wise man''), in: F. Rodríguez Valls, J. J. Padial, Eds., Ciencia y filosofía. Estudios en homenaje a Juan Arana, vol. I, Ed. Thémata, Sevilla, pp. 73-79. |
[LVIII] López Corredoira M., 2021, ``John Dalton, pionero del atomismo científico'' (``John Dalton, pioneer of scientific atomism''), in: J. Arana, Ed., La cosmovisión de los grandes científicos del siglo XIX. Convicciones éticas, políticas, filosóficas o religiosas de los protagonistas del siglo de la cienica , Ed. Tecnos, Madrid, pp. 85-95. |
[XLVII] López Corredoira M., 2020, ``Edwin P. Hubble, astropolítico'' (``Edwin P. Hubble, astropolitician''), in: J. Arana, Ed., La cosmovisión de los grandes científicos del siglo XX. Convicciones éticas, políticas, filosóficas o religiosas de los protagonistas de las revoluciones científicas contemporáneas , Ed. Tecnos, Madrid, pp. 221-231. |
[XXXVIII] López Corredoira M., 2018, ``El ocaso de la era científica'' (``The Twilight of the Scientific Age''), in: A. Cuevas Badallo, O. Torres González, R. López Orellana, D. Labrador Montero, Eds., Cultura Científica y Cultura Tecnológica. Actas del IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Filosofía de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, Ed. Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, pp. 144-150. |
[XV] López Corredoira M.,
2018, ``Forces Acting Against Free Will in the Contemporary Natural Sciences'', in: D. Muench, Ed., Free Will: Interpretations, Implementations and Assessments,
Nova Science Publ., New York, pp. 1-38. Republished in: 2019, C. Malone, Ed., Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Nova Science Publ., New York, ch. 52. Spanish version: 2009, ``Contra el libre albedrío en el marco de las ciencias naturales contemporáneas'' , Eikasia, 27, pp. 61-92 |
[XXIII] López Corredoira M., 2011, ``El fatalismo en los procesos mentales desde Freud hasta nuestros tiempos'' (``Fatalism in the mental processes from Freud to nowadays''), in: F. Rodríguez Valls, C. Diosdado, J. Arana, Eds., Asalto a lo mental. Neurociencias, conciencia y libertad, Biblioteca Nueva, Madrid, pp. 99-112. |
[XX] López Corredoira M., 2010, ``Algunas respuestas a las críticas al materialismo en el problema mente-cerebro'' (''Some replies to the criticism against materialism in the mind-body problem''), in: C. Diosdado, F. Rodríguez Valls, J. Arana, Eds., Neurofilosofía. Perspectivas contemporáneas, Thémata/Plaza y Valdés, Sevilla, pp. 129-141. |
[XVII] López Corredoira M., 2009,
``Sociology of Modern Cosmology'' (ASP Conf. Ser. 409), in: J. A.
Rubiño Martin, J. A. Belmonte, F. Prada, & A. Alberdi,
Eds., Cosmology across Cultures, ASP,
S. Francisco,
pp. 66-73 Russian version: 2013, bourabai.kz/articles . |
[XII] López Corredoira M., 2008,
``What is research?'' ,
in: M. López Corredoira, C. Castro Perelman, Eds., 2008,
Against the Tide. A
Critical Review by Scientists of How Physics and Astronomy Get Done,
Universal Publishers, Boca Raton (FL, USA), pp. 219-225 Version of the year 1997: Metaphysical Review, 4(2), 5. Spanish version: ``¿Qué es investigar?'', in: M. López Corredoira, C. Castro Perelman, Eds., 2012, A contracorriente: Un análisis crítico por científicos sobre cómo se hacen la física y la astronomía, Common Ground Publishing España, Madrid, pp. 181-186 . Czech version: 2002, ``Co je to výzkum?'', Natura, 5/2002 |
[XI] López Corredoira M., 2008,
``What do astrophysics and the world's oldest profession have in common?'',
in: M. López Corredoira, C. Castro Perelman, Eds., 2008,
Against the Tide. A
Critical Review by Scientists of How Physics and Astronomy Get Done,
Universal Publishers, Boca Raton (FL, USA), pp. 145-177 Spanish version: ``¿Qué tienen en común la astrofísica y la profesión más vieja del mundo?'', M. López Corredoira, C. Castro Perelman, Eds., 2012, A contracorriente: Un análisis crítico por científicos sobre cómo se hacen la física y la astronomía, Common Ground Publishing España, Madrid, pp. 119-144 . |
[XXXIX] López Corredoira M., 2019, ``Del hombre-máquina a la máquina-hombre: materialismo, mecanicismo y transhumanismo'' (``From man-machine to machine-man: materialism, mechanicism and transhumanism''), Naturaleza y Libertad. Revista de estudios interdisciplinares, 12 ("Inteligencia artificial y antropología filosófica. ¿Es posible transferir la mente humana a un soporte no biológico?"), pp. 179-190. |
[XXIX] López Corredoira M., 2015, ``Ajuste fino: Nueva versión del mito del Dios-relojero para tapar agujeros en el conocimiento científico'' (``Fine-Tuning: New Version of the Watchmaker God for Covering Gaps in Scientific Knowledge''), Naturaleza y Libertad. Revista de estudios interdisciplinares, 5 ("El ajuste fino de la naturaleza"), pp. 83-94. |
[XXVIII] López Corredoira M., 2014, ``The Twilight of the Scientific Age'', Proceedings of Science (SISSA), FFP14, 215 . |
[XXVI] López Corredoira M., 2014, ``Non-standard Models and the Sociology of Cosmology'', Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 46-A, pp. 86-96. |
[XXV] López Corredoira M., 2014, ``El ocaso de la era científica / The twilight of the scientific age'', Eikasia, 54, pp. 119-146 . |
[XXIV] López Corredoira M., 2013, ``El espíritu de la materia'' (``The Spirit of Matter''), Naturaleza y Libertad. Revista de estudios interdisciplinares, 2 ("Monismo, dualismo, pluralismo"), pp. 133-146 . |
[XXII] López Corredoira M., 2011, ``El espíritu de la materia. Meditaciones poético-filosóficas'' (``The Spirit of Matter. Poetic-philosophical reflections''), Thémata, 44, pp. 353-386 . |
[XVI] López Corredoira M., 2009,
``Quantum mechanics and free will: counter-arguments'',
NeuroQuantology, 7(3), pp. 449-456 (invited article). Version of the year 2002: Journal of Non-Locality and Remote Mental Interactions, Vol. I Nr. 3 . Czech version: 2003, ``Kvantová mechanika a svobodná vu*le'', Universum, 7.2 |
[XV] López Corredoira M., 2009,
``Contra el libre albedrío en el marco de las ciencias naturales
contemporáneas'' ,
Eikasia, 27, pp. 61-92. Version of the year 2004: Thémata, 32, pp. 227-252. English version: 2018, ``Forces Acting Against Free Will in the Contemporary Natural Sciences'', in: D. Muench, Ed., Free Will: Interpretations, Implementations and Assessments, Nova Science Publ., New York, pp. 1-38 |
[XIV] López Corredoira M., 2009, ``La negación del principio de individuación en la naturaleza, y la separabilidad y el concepto de sujeto como artificios humanos'' (``The denial of the principle of individuation in Nature, and the separability and the concept of subject as human artifices''), Thémata, 41, pp. 482-497 . |
[IX] López Corredoira M., 2008, ``Naturaleza vs. Libertad'' (``Nature vs. Freedom''), Thémata, 40, pp. 257-266 . |
[VII] López Corredoira M., 2004,
``Castigo y derecho sin libre albedrío ni responsabilidad''
(``Punishment and law without free will and no responsibility''),
Dikaiosyne, 13, pp. 37-43. |
[VI] López Corredoira M., 2004,
``Contra la democracia''
(``Against democracy''),
Dikaiosyne, 12, pp. 77-85. |
[V] López Corredoira M., 2004, ``Contra el libre albedrío: aclaraciones ulteriores'' (``Against free will: ulterior clarifications''), Thémata, 32, pp. 297-304. |
[LX] López Corredoira M., 2021, ``Feminismo en la ciencia. Ideología impuesta y caza de brujas / Feminism in science: an imposed ideology and a witch hunt'' , Scripta Philosophiae Naturalis, 20, id. 3 |
[LVI] López Corredoira M., 2021,
``Las tres degradaciones de la cultura'' ("The three degradations of culture"), El Catoblepas, 196, 14. Version of 4 parts of Disidentia: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , disidentia.com, 2021, March 12th, 19th, 26th, April 9th. |
[LI] López Corredoira M., 2020, ``Crisis demográfica europea, feminismo y decadencia de Occidente'' ("European demographical crisis, feminism and decline of the West"), El Catoblepas, 192, 11. |
[XLVI] López Corredoira M., 2020,
``Los beneficios del coronavirus para la salud del Planeta'', El Catoblepas, 191, 20. English version: 2020, ``The benefits of coronavirus for the health of the planet'', Science 2.0, 4-3-2020. |
[XXXVI] López Corredoira M., 2018,
``Una visión alternativa sobre la historia de la mujer occidental y el feminismo'' ("An alternative vision about the
history of western woman and feminism"),
El Catoblepas, 182, 3 . English version (unauthorized): voziberica.com, September 16th, 2022 . |
[XXXIII] López Corredoira M., 2016, ``¿Qué quiere la Naturaleza?'' ("What does Nature want?"), Scripta Philosophiae Naturalis, 10, pp. 29-39 |
[XXXII] López Corredoira M., 2016, ``La fuerza de la vida'' ("The force of life"), Filosofía Hoy, 51, 51 (Enero 2016) |
[XXI] López Corredoira M., 2011, ``La espiritualidad ecologista y sus sacerdotes'' (``The ecologist spirituality and its priests''), Disidencias, 11, pp. 59-71 . |
[XIX] López Corredoira M., 2009, ``¡Viva el desempleo!, ¡abajo el consumo! (``Hurrah for the unemployment!, down with the consumption!'') , El Manifiesto contra la muerte del espíritu y la tierra, 11, pp. 67-89 . |
[X] López Corredoira M., 2008, ``Leer a Oswald Spengler en los tiempos de decadencia de occidente'' (``Reading Oswald Spengler in the times of decline of the West''), El Manifiesto contra la muerte del espíritu y la tierra, 9, pp. 63-80 . |
[IV] Alvargonzález D., López Corredoira M., 2002, ``Un epistolario de 2001, ejemplo de diálogo entre materialistas'' (``A collection of 2001 letters, example of dialogue between materialists''), El Catoblepas, 4, 19 . |
[III] López Corredoira M., 2002, ``¿Por qué no cito a Bueno?'' (``Why do not I cite Bueno?''), El Catoblepas, 4, 17 . |
[II] Pérez Chico D., López Corredoira M., 2002, ``Sobre el libre albedrío. Dos únicas opciones: dualismo o materialismo'' (``On free will. Two unique options: dualism or materialism''), El Catoblepas, 2, 1 . |
[I] López Corredoira M., 2001, ``Determinismo en la física clásica: Laplace vs. Popper o Prigogine'' (``Determinism in classical physics: Laplace vs. Popper or Prigogine''), El Basilisco, 29, pp. 29-42. |
[XXXIV] López Corredoira M., 2017, "Réplica de un filósofo e investigador del IAC al acoso mediático de feministas" ("Reply of a philosopher and researcher of IAC to the harassment through the mass media by feminists"), La Provincia, September 29th 2017 |
[XXX] López Corredoira M., 2015, ``El ocaso de la era científica'' (``The Twilight of the Scientific Age''), El País, Sect. Science (``Materia''), December 2nd 2015. |
[LXXII] López Corredoira M., 2023,
``¡Misógino!'' (''Misogynist!''), disidentia.com, December 20th, 2023. |
[LXXI] López Corredoira M., 2023,
``Perspectiva de GÉNERo de-GENERada'' (''DeGENerate GENder perspective''), disidentia.com, November 30th, 2023. |
[LXX] López Corredoira M., 2023,
``La digitalización de la plebe'' (''Digitalization of plebeians''), disidentia.com, June 1st, 2023. |
[LXIX] López Corredoira M., 2023,
``La ciencia y sus demonios'' , disidentia.com, March 12th, 2023. English version: 2023, ``Science and Its Daemons'', Science 2.0, March 27th, 2023. |
[LXVII] López Corredoira M., 2022,
``Turismo: cuando el vulgo viaja'' (``Tourism: plebeians travelling''), disidentia.com, July 25th, 2022. |
[LXVI] López Corredoira M., 2022,
``Guerra de ricos decandentes contra naciones emergentes''
(``War between decadent rich people and emergent nations''), disidentia.com, July 4th, 2022. |
[LXV] López Corredoira M., 2022,
``¡Viva Rusia (y Ucrania)!''
(``Long live Russia (and Ukraine)!''), disidentia.com, May 9th, 2022. Russian version: 2022, zen.yandex.ru, May 10th, 2022 . |
[LXIII] López Corredoira M., 2021,
``Ni libertad, ni igualdad, ni fraternidad'' ("Neither liberty, nor equality nor fraternity"), disidentia.com, December 27th 2021. |
[LXII] López Corredoira M., 2021,
``The problem with the Nobel Prize'', The Institute of Arts and Ideas News, October 12th 2021.
Spanish version: 2021, ``Nobel de física: ¿un premio de reconocimiento político-social?'', disidentia.com, October 19th 2021. |
[LIX] López Corredoira M., 2021,
``Parastronautas y Nobel de física para subnormales'' ("Parastronauts and Nobel of Physics for abnormal people"), disidentia.com, 2021, June 10th. |
[LVII] López Corredoira M., 2021,
``La COVID-19 y la plebe'' ("COVID-19 and the plebeians"), disidentia.com, 2021, April 30th. |
[LVI] López Corredoira M., 2021, ``Las tres degradaciones de la cultura'' ("The three degradations of culture"): parts
1 ,
2 ,
3 ,
4 , disidentia.com, 2021, March 12th, 19th, 26th, April 9th. Integral version of "El Catoblepas": 2021, El Catoblepas, 196, 14. |
[LV] López Corredoira M., 2020,
``Feminismo: sólo hay dinero para propaganda'' ("Feminism: there is only money for propaganda"), disidentia.com, December 15th 2020. |
[LIV] López Corredoira M., 2020,
``Feminismo y decadencia'' ("Feminism and decadence"), disidentia.com, November 11th 2020. |
[LIII] López Corredoira M., 2020,
``Declive de inteligencia e inmigración'' ("Decline of intelligence and inmigration"), disidentia.com, October 17th 2020. |
[LII] López Corredoira M., 2020,
``Crisis demográfica, inmigración y el declive de Europa'' (``Demographical crisis, inmigration and the decline of Europe''), disidentia.com, September 27th 2020. |
[L] López Corredoira M., 2020,
``Reflections On The Statement 'The IAU Has A Clear Ideology About Inclusion That Has To Be Accepted By All Its Members' '', Science 2.0, August 8th 2020. |
[IL] López Corredoira M., 2020,
``Afeminados y calzonazos'' (``Effeminate men and henpecked husbands''), disidentia.com, July 7th 2020. |
[XLVIII] López Corredoira M., 2020,
``Desdén de la filosofía hacia la politiquería'', disidentia.com, June 13th 2020. English version: 2021, ''Philosophy\92s disdain of politicking'' , Meer, 2021, June 19th. |
[XLVI] López Corredoira M., 2020,
``The benefits of coronavirus for the health of the planet'', Science 2.0, 4-3-2020. Spanish updated version: 2020, ``Los beneficios del coronavirus para la salud del Planeta'', El Catoblepas, 191, 20. |
[XLV] López Corredoira M., 2019,
``Cambio climático: verdades del barquero, cuentos chinos y hemiplejía moral'',
disidentia.com, December 18th 2019. English version: 2021, ''Global warming. Plain truths, tall tales and moral hemiplegia'' , Meer, 2021, May 19th. |
[XLIV] López Corredoira M., 2019,
``Ideología de género y acoso mediático'' (``Gender ideology and harassment by media''), disidentia.com, December 5th 2019. |
[XLIII] López Corredoira M., 2019,
``La tradición del pensamiento antidemocrático'', disidentia.com, November 13th 2019. English version: 2021, ``The tradition of antidemocratic thinking'', Meer, 2021, April 19th. |
[XLII] Sylos Labini F., López Corredoira M., 2019,
``Nobel In Physics: A Prize For Outstanding Discoveries Or Socio-Political Recognition?'', Science 2.0, November 12th 2019. Italian version: 2019, ``Nobel in Physics: un premio per scoperte eccezionali o un riconoscimento socio-politico?'', roars.it (Returns on Academic Research), November 19th 2019. |
[XLI] López Corredoira M., 2019, ``Los Tartufos de nuestro tiempo. Réplica a Luis Folgado de Torres'' (``The Tartuffes or our time. Reply to Luis Folgado de Torres''), reeditor.com, July 6th 2019. |
[XL] López Corredoira M., Villarroel B., 2019,
``How to Make Science and Academia Less Hypocritical and More Ecological'', RealClearScience, May 13th 2019. Spanish version: 2019, ``Cómo hacer la ciencia y la academia menos hipócritas y más ecológicas'', disidentia.com, October 31st 2019. |
[XXXVII] López Corredoira M., 2018,
``Gender Ideology In Science: The New Dogma And The New Witch Hunt'', Science 2.0, November 19th 2018. Spanish version: 2019, ``Ideología de género en la ciencia: el nuevo dogma y la nueva caza de brujas'', disidentia.com, October 24th 2019. |
[XXXV] López Corredoira M., 2017, ``Feminism in science: Towards a new witch-hunt?'',
technology.org, November 23rd 2017. Spanish version: 2017, ``Feminismo en la ciencia. ¿Hacia una nueva caza de brujas?'', elmanifiesto.com, November 27th 2017 (republished in disidentia.com, 2023, July 12th). |
[XXXI] López Corredoira M., 2015, ``Voluntad. La fuerza heroica que arrastra la vida'' (``Will. The heroic force that drives life''), elmanifiesto.com, December 15th 2015. |
[XXVII] López Corredoira M., 2014, ``Have we reached the twilight of the fundamental science era?'', Euroscientist.com, special issue on "Ethics, values and culture driving research". Republished in: 2017, roars.it (Returns on Academic Research), December 30th 2017. Spanish version: ``¿Hemos alcanzado el ocaso de la era científica?'', disidentia.com, November 6th 2019; LO Revista Cultural, June 19th 2022 . Portuguese version: ``Chegamos ao crepúsculo da era científica?'', Cosmos e Contexto, October 25th 2021. |
[XVIII] López Corredoira M., 2009, ``Las implicaciones materialistas de la teoría de Darwin'' (``Materialist implications of Darwin's theory''), Medicina y Humanidades, 2, 08 . |
[XIII] López Corredoira M., 2008, ``La raíz filosófico-religiosa de la unión de los pueblos'' (``The philosophical-religious root of the union of peoples''), elmanifiesto.com, April 12th 2008 . |
[VIII] López Corredoira M., 2005, ``Cosmología: sólo
sé que no sé nada''
(``Cosmology: I only know that I know nothing''),
Caos y Ciencia, September 2005 . |
- REVIEWS of books or articles by other authors:
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López Corredoira M., 2023, ``BOOK REVIEW: Make Physics Great Again. America Has Failed, By Alexander Unzicker'' Science 2.0, May 3rd 2023 |
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López Corredoira M., 2021, ``La muerte según Soler Gil. Reseña del libro de Francisco José Soler Gil 'Al fin y al cabo. Reflexiones en la muerte de un amigo (Encuentro, Madrid 2021)' '' El Catoblepas, 197, 13 |
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López Corredoira M., 2020,
``El futuro postapocalíptico de hierro y fuego. Reseña de: El arqueofuturismo de Guillaume Faye'',
disidentia.com, March 7th 2020 French translation: ``Le futur post-apocalyptique du fer et du feu – Terre et Peuple'', info-elections.fr, June 23rd 2022. |
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López Corredoira M., 2019, ``El triunfo de Lucrecio. Carmelo Caravias Aguilar. Ediciones Alymar, Madrid, 2018'', El Catoblepas, 189, 13 |
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